Utilising Renovate's local platform to test more easily

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Last year I wrote about how you can use Renovate's local platform to make renovate-graph more efficient, which has been very useful for work I've been doing with dependency-management-data.

What I didn't do was also write about how you're able to use Renovate'slocal platform to test out new Renovate configuration.

As I've recently been doing a fair bit of it, I thought I'd make sure I had my workflow written up as a form of blogumentation.

When you're testing new Renovate rules or configuration against an existing repo, one thing that can be a little noisy is that you'll have a lot of other dependencies being detected and updates being checked for.

One of the nice things about the local platform is that it doesn't need to run against your massive monorepo (or even a small repo), but you can actually create a fresh directory to test things in, and purely focus on the file(s) you care about.

You can of course do this with plain Renovate, i.e. running against --platform github or --platform gitlab by modifying the includePaths or similar, but it's a bit more work compared to a completely fresh directory.

For instance, let's say that we want to use Renovate to manage updates to golangci-lint versions, where we have the file build/Makefile which has a snippet such as:

	curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(GOBIN) v1.50.1

What we can do to test this with Renovate's local platform is:

cd /path/to/repo

# create a new temporary directory for us to test Renovate in
mkdir tmp
cd tmp

# Optional, but recommended: make a temporary Git repo for this testing, as otherwise Renovate could detect the parent repo's configuration
# Alternatively, move this to a location that doesn't have a parent Git repository (which is an exercise for the reader)
git init

# make sure our repo's copy of the Renovate configuration is used
# NOTE that this may be in another location i.e. `.gitlab/renovate.json`
# NOTE that this should also remove any `local` extends and replace that with the relevant platform you host on, if that config is needed
ln -s ../renovate.json

# copy in `build/Makefile`
mkdir build
# this is relative to the directory we're in, so needs to be double-layered
ln -s ../../build/Makefile build

# Optional, but recommended: make a temporary Git repo for this testing, as otherwise Renovate could detect the parent repo's configuration
# NOTE that if you're doing this, you'll then need to `git add` all files that you want Renovate to look for
git add .
git commit -m "init" # or anything you want, https://www.jvt.me/posts/2024/07/12/things-know-commits/ probably doesn't take effect here

Now we've set things up, we can run:

# NOTE that ideally you'd pin this to a specific version of Renovate
env LOG_LEVEL=debug npx renovate@38 --platform=local

This will then output a fair bit on the DEBUG log level, but the most important pieces are:

 INFO: Dependency extraction complete (repository=local)
       "stats": {
         "managers": {"regex": {"fileCount": 1, "depCount": 1}},
         "total": {"fileCount": 1, "depCount": 1}
DEBUG: packageFiles with updates (repository=local)
       "config": {
         "regex": [
             "deps": [
                 "depName": "github.com/golangci/golangci-lint",
                 "currentValue": "v1.50.1",
                 "datasource": "go",
                 "replaceString": " sh -s -- -b $(GOBIN) v1.50.1\n",
                 "updates": [
                     "bucket": "non-major",
                     "newVersion": "v1.61.0",
                     "newValue": "v1.61.0",
                     "releaseTimestamp": "2024-09-09T14:33:19.000Z",
                     "newMajor": 1,
                     "newMinor": 61,
                     "newPatch": 0,
                     "updateType": "minor",
                     "branchName": "renovate/github.com-golangci-golangci-lint-1.x"
                 "packageName": "github.com/golangci/golangci-lint",
                 "versioning": "semver",
                 "warnings": [],
                 "sourceUrl": "https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint",
                 "currentVersion": "v1.50.1",
                 "currentVersionTimestamp": "2022-10-22T10:48:48.000Z",
                 "isSingleVersion": true,
                 "fixedVersion": "v1.50.1"
             "matchStrings": [
               "curl .*https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s -- .* (?<currentValue>.*?)\\n"
             "depNameTemplate": "github.com/golangci/golangci-lint",
             "datasourceTemplate": "go",
             "packageFile": "build/Makefile"
 INFO: Repository finished (repository=local)
       "cloned": undefined,
       "durationMs": 1490

From here, we can see that Renovate's correctly detected the golangci-lint version, and noticed that there's a minor update that's necessary to update.

As we want to iterate over the rules, we'll be able to modify the renovate.json and then re-run npx renovate to re-validate the detected dependencies (and relevant updates) are correct, which is much quicker than needing to test against a GitHub/GitLab repo!

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

Content for this article is shared under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International, and code is shared under the Apache License 2.0.

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