
I have a public repository with each of my talks available for others to be able to view, as well as being able to track changes to the talks over time.

I had previously stored the talks in separate repos, but as I was writing more, I wanted to bring them into a central place to make them easier to share.

The talks were originally written in LaTeX Beamer to generate modern looking LaTeX PDF presentations, but as mentioned in my Reveal.js Starter project, I recently migrated to using Reveal.js to build the slides, for a few reasons:

  • LaTeX's syntax highlighting felt a little lacking compared to that of tooling like Reveal.js
  • Being able to use Gruvbox, the color scheme I use on my own machines, for syntax highlighting was quite a cool, if not completely irrelevant, bonus
  • Being able to embed terminal sessions into the slides via asciinema's asciicasts was a big draw