2024's Site In Review

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(I'm trying a slightly different order for these this year)


In a similar vein to what I wrote last year:

I noticed that there was a trend downwards towards the end of the year, but am putting it down to maybe a bit more around folks using things like blocklists for common analytics platforms like Matomo that I use.

I've noticed that this year, there's been a significantly lower set of traffic coming to my site, in particular via search engines. These numbers seem to align with numbers via Google Search Console, so don't seem to be related to folks with blocklists stopping my analytics from working.

I'm feeling this is more likely to be folks using AI/LLM tools - some of which are definitely trained on my own posts - and so folks aren't searching around for solutions as much. I've seen hits coming from ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot directly to some of my posts too, which has been interesting.

That being said, looking back at the visits graph itself, there are a few notable bumps over the year:

Screenshot of the Matomo "Visits over time" view showing the year's traffic

I've also found a few other interesting things looking back:

  • My post from 2022 about tools.go got way more popular this year (7715 visits in 2024 vs 2861 in 2023) after adding it to the oapi-codegen README as part of rewriting the docs in March.
  • It's been my 5th year doing Week notes and I'm still enjoying the process, although I'm keeping a little more out of them, and instead in private posts, and I'm not exactly reading them back
  • I also got myself unblocked from Lobsters (in Week 20) - after being blocked for too much self-promotion, but being the first domain to get unblocked after showing I could continue to be a good member of the community πŸš€
  • There's been some posts which didn't get the readership I thought, like Don't do Agile, be agile which is a shame, as I think it's a good post
  • Generally on my site, I did a significant reword on the CSS, as well as being pretty happy with my introduction of my archives page

Overall traffic

This yearLast year
Number of visits270286389052
Number of articles8383
Number of blogumentation articles6544

Traffic across the year

Screenshot of the Matomo "Visits over time" view showing the year's traffic

PagePageviewsUnique pageviews

Sources of traffic

Search Engines180324
Direct Entry53530
Social Networks23566
My RSS Feed2359
Other campaign sources2854
TagNumber of posts

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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This post is part of the series site-in-review.

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