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having an insane adhd day please bear with me
having an insane adhd day please bear with me
Sometimes, executive dysfunction/ADHD lies to you about a task that will only take an hour at best to make it seem like a huge, multi hour thing Today, I am finally cleaning/organizing my desk. ADHD was not lying 🥲
One of my toxic ADHD traits is that if paying a bill requires me to enter too much information, I just don't. Usually they then sign me up for this cool service called "collections" where they fill out all the info for me and all I have to do is enter my card number. It's very convenient. 11/10.
Best work advice I got: Keep good notes You won't remember what they said in that meeting You won't remember when they made that decision You won't remember what you did or when or why Write it out explicitly and make life a little easier on future-you
wish my brain was written in rust so there was memory safety and better concurrency
a montage as I code with intent for the first time in a long while. It seems that I make the same face when I code as I do when I spar. A thing I do as someone with profound ADHD, is that when I can focus, I record myself talking a process out and then I use the transcription to stub out my code.
Something I've been working on on-and-off for a couple of months is some tweaks to my Manual of Me, prompted by getting a new manager, and wanting to rethink the "things you should know when working with me", as well as delving much more into how #ADHD can affect my work, and some more reflections - and I'm glad that I've finally put the finishing touches on those updates.
Also re-reading my blog post from when I first created it, it's wild to think that this was the first time I'd started using Classless.css, which is now a staple of my microsites!
Did three major adultings within an hour*. Witness my hyperfocus superpower. *after not doing them for weeks and months and years in one case. I will (again) learn nothing from this.
A minimal task manager neovim plugin. Contribute to Hashino/doing.nvim development by creating an account on GitHub.
I recently shared that I was diagnosed with ADHD. I write these words 12 days into medication and holy shit I feel totally transformed. The stuck, scrambly feelings and frustration have nearly evaporated. I am firing on all cylinders, which turns out is super necessary in this moment in time. What a
The joy of an asynchronous, always updating standup (5 mins read).
Describing how my team does standups across a globally distributed team.
I woke up this morning, took a pill, and proceeded to have one of the most productive writing days I've had in perhaps years. The day prior, a doctor diagnosed me with Adult ADHD. I finally drew the unfortunate trauma diagram that's been in my head for years now. In a pretty short timefra
Me: so it seems I'm probably #ADHD Friend: yeah, we know Me: what? Why didn't you tell me? Friend: we assumed you already knew!
never underestimate what someone with decades of finely-honed adhd can accomplish in the seven minutes before a hard deadline
Why has Firefox 133 lost all my tabs? (2 mins read).
Recounting an issue I'm seeing with Firefox 133 where it creates a new profile, and how to resolve it.
Attached: 1 image I should definitely have been doing something else. #ADHD #AuDHD #ExecutiveDysfunction
If I ran a dentist practice in 2024 I would simply advertise that we're ADHD-friendly and say up-front that we would just see you and treat you, and would never, ever remark on or shame you for the state of your teeth or how long it's been since you've last seen a dentist
if there's one thing i hate more than not having executive function to do the thing it's finally having the executive function to do the thing but then being blocked by external factors outside my control Distributed Denial of Executive Function
I don't have ADHD; I am under a massive DDoS attack.
The problem with being a programmer with ADHD is that it's often more fun to build a chainsaw from scratch than it is to chop down a tree by hand with an axe.
"we never used to have all these women in their 30s suddenly getting diagnosed with ADHD" listen, I wouldn't have even noticed I have ADHD if I lived in an era where my doctor could ask if I want to lose 5lbs and then hand me enough amphetamines to see the face of God
the problem with most folk discovering cool content and websites from their rss feeds is that i have adhd i had adhd 20 years ago too, but the web wasn't built so much to predate upon it, and my adhd is also just worse now that and websites didnt make me angry every day because developers didnt go out of their way to make everything awful
Attached: 1 image #ADHD
The double-edged sword of my ADHD procrastination strikes again. Pro: I'm very good in a crisis. Con: I'm only good in a crisis.
ADHD is great for being dropped into a crisis situation, consuming all the documentation, talking to everyone, and then synthesizing the gestalt back in a format useful to exec leadership and their board, I think? Or it's just the adhd is comorbid with me being me?
I'm on Cup o' Go! (2 mins read).
Announcing my appearance on Cup o' Go, talking about oapi-codegen
, OpenAPI, working on Open Source and blogging.
In the interest of pleasing the imaginary person I am always trying to please, I am ADHDing hard and switching halfway between tasks in an effort to complete shit off my to-do list and feel productive. This is ADHD powered by anxiety and deep-seeded childhood trauma. #mentalHealth
Content warning: uk news, misinformation slash straight up lies about adhd, exercise
Most people seem to agree that building a personal brand requires consistently delivering useful content around a specific topic. I'm putting that together with my understanding of how ADHD presents for me personally. It feels like a challenge. 😅
Attached: 1 image Bullet point 1 is the funniest thing I’ve ever read about #ADHD. Also true.
Whoops. Got so excited about my projects today that I forgot to eat. Just ADHD things 😅
Attached: 1 image Recipes from the ADHD Cookbook
I'm on Changelog and Friends! (2 mins read).
Announcing my first podcast appearance on Changelog and Friends, talking about salary history, the IndieWeb, ADHD and dependency-management-data, among other things.
Finally started a task I intended to start about ten months ago. I’m cured now right
ADHD is like 50% not working, 50% working frantically to make up for the not working part, 50% thinking about the work I should be doing (but not actually working), and 50% not sleeping (but trying to).
I don't put projects on the back burner. I put them under the floorboards, where the ever-louder beating of their hearts drives me slowly to madness. #ADHD #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodivergence #ADHDmemes
Pro tip: If you want to stop being friends with an autistic ADHDer, you probably need to tell them straight out. Because all this "fading away into the woodwork" doesn't work with people who will often not speak to their friends in years without any of the friendship feelings changing. Not seeing someone doesn't change that we think of them as our friends. So not being in touch with us, doesn't communicate "I don't want to be friends anymore". You're going to have to say it. And don't worry, we'll respect your wishes. We just need to know to understand. #adhd #audhd #actuallyAutistic
Whenever someone tells me their name, I enter my Memory Palace, stand around for a bit, and then say "what did I come in here for?"
the adhd urge to use parentheses in every sentence (you thought of something else that doesn't fit into the previous sentence structure you'd thought up)
The hidden burden of undiagnosed ADHD is constantly needing to invent excuses in an attempt to explain or justify behavior that you don’t even understand yourself.
"You forgot? Must not be important." Listen bro, I can and have forgotten to eat, pee, sleep, cash cheques. I've lost my car by taking the bus home after driving there. Importance is not a distinguishing factor here. The fact a commodore 64 has more RAM than I do is the issue
ADHD is not “can’t sit still disorder” ADHD is “posting in 10 group chats, subreddits and other posting platforms, never using the search function to see incidents of the same question being raised, asking for tips on how to do complex things like feed yourself and do one task. Upon discovering that you just sort of have to do the thing, you close all the tabs. You ignore your previous attempts to find an answer and do the same post a week later in the hopes that someone has come up with the perfectly suited to you way to do one task. You feel shame and embarrassment and anger and often nothing at all, whilst neurotypical people tell you that it’s easy to do one task you just have to want to do it. You want to do a lot of things but even the things that give you joy are insurmountable” disorder :)
How did I only just find out that antidepressants can reduce dopamine? I might try and titrate off my Sertraline, as perhaps my lifelong depression was more about the lack of dopamine that ADHD gives me? (Yes I will be sensible, yes I will consult with a doctor) the attempt to unify the diversity of humanity into clinical buckets.
Executive dysfunction really sucks ass on some days. I simply can’t get shit that will take 5 seconds done. I know how to do it. I know what needs to be done. I know it’ll not take a lot of time. I just can’t get it done.
Okay, #ADHD folks - what symptom suddenly makes sense, now that you understand ADHD better? I'm not talking about general stuff, like difficulty concentrating, I'm talking about specific phenomena, like having trouble following a conversation at a party. I always thought I had this problem because my ears are about a foot higher than the people speaking, but now I'm starting to think that the real difficulty is that my brain has trouble turning the volume down on all the other talking in the room. (I will occasionally repost this, along with whatever new symptom I've thought up... Apologies for the repetition) #ItAllMakesSenseNow
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