I'm on Fallthrough: An Exploration of APIs, Versioning, & HTTP (1 mins read).

Announcing my appearance as a guest on Fallthrough, talking about APIs, versioning, documentation, and more.
I'm on Fallthrough: An Exploration of APIs, Versioning, & HTTP (1 mins read).
Announcing my appearance as a guest on Fallthrough, talking about APIs, versioning, documentation, and more.
💻 I’ve written a guide on API Design for Speakeasy which is almost everything I know about designing an API from scratch. Basic theory of everything, pros and cons of various standards, pitfalls to watch out for, and best practices to stick to. Give me feedback and I’ll improve it. What’s missing. What could I add. Not done yet! #ApiDesign https://www.speakeasy.com/api-design
Stripe’s API got a new major version, and no one noticed.
I'm on API Evangelist Conversation (1 mins read).
Announcing a podcast appearance with Kin Lane about API Versioning.
Don't pretty print your API's JSON response body (3 mins read).
Why pretty-printing JSON responses in your APIs is a waste of resources, and you should stop it.
A collection of Free Public APIs for Students and Developers. Tested every single day.
So you have a server storing objects in a relational database, and an API, nowadays probably HTTP but it does not matter. Clients can fetch objects using the API. Obviously you do not want them…
Creating a JSON Patch endpoint in Go (2 mins read).
How to create a server-side JSON Patch API endpoint in Go.
RapiDoc is Web Component for viewing Swagger & OpenAPI Spec. Supports themes, styling and various rendering styles
Building a Go RESTful API with design-first OpenAPI contracts (6 mins read).
How to use oapi-codegen
to generate an RESTful API using design-first OpenAPI and code generation.
Shipping services more quickly with design-first OpenAPI contracts (8 mins read).
How using OpenAPI has led to being able to ship a new service more effectively, by removing the need to write scaffolding, and instead focus on the business logic.
Describing a multi-value querystring parameter in OpenAPI (1 mins read).
How to define a querystring parameter that has multiple values, in OpenAPI.
API Design tip: use objects for similar data (1 mins read).
Why you should use objects to nest similar data in JSON responses.
Describing JSON Patch operations with OpenAPI (2 mins read).
How to describe your JSON Patch endpoints using OpenAPI.
I feel comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life.
Joyce Lin (@PetuniaGray)Fri, 15 Apr 2022 02:00 +0000
An API needs designing. It needs a conscious language and consistent conventions. Standard auth. Paging. Careful error codes and messages. Versioning.Jessica Joy Kerr (@jessitron)Thu, 16 Dec 2021 05:26 GMT
API-first. "Headless" e-commerce. "Headless" BI. We've seen a resurgence of startups reimagine startups like Shopify and Wordpress, but built for developers and built for composability. The API is the product. There's three major risks to building on an API. (1) Requests and responses aren't always the full contract. What happens
My colleague Bethan wrote about the work we're currently doing on Federated API Discovery across government. Very much recommend a read about why we're doing it, and we'll be doing more posts in the future about progress, but until then, you can check out the repo
The coronavirus API documentation, specifically, is the gold standard by which all API docs should be assessed. It’s clear! It generates URLs you can paste into your code! It regards helping people get to the info as a point, rather than seeing the API as an exam you have to pass
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Some personal news (a 🧵): On 4 October 2021, I resigned from my role as the Deputy Head of Software Engineering for Web and Data at @UKHSA. This means that 1 January 2022 will mark my final day in the agency — but *not* on the dashboard, so this is not goodbye. ...[1/10]Pouria Hadjibagheri (@Pouriaaa)Fri, 24 Dec 2021 10:48 GMT
Chris Cook (@xtophercook)Fri, 24 Dec 2021 10:55 GMT
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