Tag api


Liked Phil Sturgeon (@Philsturgeon@mastodon.green)
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💻 I’ve written a guide on API Design for Speakeasy which is almost everything I know about designing an API from scratch. Basic theory of everything, pros and cons of various standards, pitfalls to watch out for, and best practices to stick to. Give me feedback and I’ll improve it. What’s missing. What could I add. Not done yet! #ApiDesign https://www.speakeasy.com/api-design


Bookmarked API Warfare
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API-first. "Headless" e-commerce. "Headless" BI. We've seen a resurgence of startups reimagine startups like Shopify and Wordpress, but built for developers and built for composability. The API is the product. There's three major risks to building on an API. (1) Requests and responses aren't always the full contract. What happens


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