Uploading Community Cookbooks from Supermarket to Chef Server (1 mins read).

How to upload a given community cookbook from Chef Supermarket to Chef Server, using Berkshelf.
Uploading Community Cookbooks from Supermarket to Chef Server (1 mins read).
How to upload a given community cookbook from Chef Supermarket to Chef Server, using Berkshelf.
Constructing an Ordered Dependency Graph for Chef Cookbooks, using Berkshelf (3 mins read).
How to create a dependency graph for a given cookbook's dependencies to understand the order to install them in.
When Running Berkshelf Behind a Proxy (2 mins read).
Getting around the pesky OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError SSLv2/v3 read server hello A
error when running Berkshelf behind a proxy.
Trusting Self-Signed Certificates from the Chef Development Kit (2 mins read).
How to get the ChefDK (and associated tools) to trust internal / self-signed certificates, in an easy oneliner.
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