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Blogging is one of the best things you can do for your technical acumen, your personal profile, and your career. It forces you to learn what you write about deeply, teaches others, and is visible proof of your skillset. Yeah, it's uncomfortable sometimes and it takes time, but I highly recommend. [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Writing about the big beautiful mess that is making things for the world wide web.
One THOUSAND blog posts (3 mins read).
Celebrating a massive milestone in my blog, and a short reflection.
Reader survey: Who reads my blog? (2 mins read).
Wondering how my readers read my blog, and why.
In this post, I talk about pleasant but seemingly minor features in personal sites
I found myself saying the following a few times during #CSSDay when chatting to people about blogging, so here it goes: If you want a blog but don’t believe you have anything to share, I suggest creating a monthly post of a roundup of articles you read and recommend. By the end of the year, you will have 12 blog posts. It gives you a list of everything you’ve learned. It is easily findable if you want to share it with others in conversation. Backlinks and webmentions build connections.
Why share technical stuff online? You never know how they may become useful to others! 10 months ago I found a fix to an Eleventy issue I had. I documented it on my website in my /snacks section. Today, I noticed someone having the same issue on 11ty Discord and went to share it. And then I found out that Christopher had already shared my solution in the issue and it had helped them! Contributing to #opensource through docs and blogs is good!
I'm on Cup o' Go! (2 mins read).
Announcing my appearance on Cup o' Go, talking about oapi-codegen
, OpenAPI, working on Open Source and blogging.
What makes a great technical blog
One of my favourite things to do in my free time is to tinker with this website. Indeed, this website is the culmination of years of tinkering. I have added features like coffee shop maps that I can share with friends, a way for me to share my bio in two languages, a sitemap.xml file to help search engines find pages on my website, and more.
Attached: 1 image Statistics from 14 years of #Blogging.
LinkedIn is prompting users with strange questions to contribute to collaborative articles. What is it all about?(
Own your own website. Own your mailing list. Own your newsletter. Own your blog and prioritise your RSS feed. This is the stuff that works in the long term. Chasing virality on every new shiny platform is a waste of time.
Bring back self-hosted blogs, reinstall a feed reader, make your feed icon prominent on your blog. Blogs + Atom/RSS is the best decentralized social media system we've ever had! And yes I am saying that as co-author of ActivityPub: self hosted blogs is the best decentralized social networking we've had
Exactly eight years ago, I published “Hello there!” on this website. Since then, I have published hundreds of articles. Persistent writing is excellent for many reasons and is the best thing I have ever done for my personal and professional development.
This is the 7th edition of People and Blogs, the series where I ask interesting people to talk about themselves and their blogs. Today we have Ana …
My decision to start a capital-B Blog (as opposed to microblogging, which I've been doing since I was a wee one on The Tumbler) was largely spur-of-the-momen...
Thanks for those who came to my talk all about #blogging at #DDDEastMidlands! My slides can be found linked to on my talks site and there's a blog post writeup for the talk, too 😜
Why should you blog? (12 mins read).
A writeup of my talk at DDD East Midlands around why you should start blogging.
This talk should also be a blog post (3 mins read).
How you can improve your public speaking by also writing blog posts for your talks.
How blogging has affected me, as a neurodiverse person (5 mins read).
How I've used blogging to help with my ADHD.
The list of sites I follow in Feedly has long ago shifted from personal blogs to larger, specialized news websites. The personal blogs have disappeared for the same reason this one did. Why would anyone want to share personal information this way, when social media is easier to use, more specific, more widely-used, and has a … Continued
Back in the early days of blogging, the tech press bashed RSS out of existence as it was supposedly too complex for ordinary users. To th...
Some tactics for writing in public
Nobody cares about your blog, but you should keep writing!
Save yourself time in the long run by spending a bit more time documenting things up front.
I was thinking about how recently (other than the weeknotes), my blog posts have been mostly reviews of stuff I've been watching/playing/reading/etc and I haven't made any posts about blogging or tech …
Matthias Ott is an independent user experience designer and developer from Stuttgart, Germany. Besides design practice he teaches Interface Prototyping at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Kiel.
I hated writing in high school. It wasn’t objective like my favorite subjects, math and science. It also didn’t help that we had to write about old, hard-to-understand literature like Shakespeare. But my perspective on writing changed once I started working full-time as a software engineer.
Getting comfortable with the lack of privacy with my Week Notes (6 mins read).
Looking back at a few years of writing week notes publicly, and how I approach privacy around what I (want to) write in them.
Ending #blogeverydamnday with a cheer ✨
I'd probably say my use of my blog to record info for future me - I technical blog about a lot of things that end up saving me time in the future as I just need to vaguely remember if I've done it before and I can look up my articles. Helps that a tonne of other people gain value from my blogging too!
Ash Huang & Ryan Putnam on a microsite: For the month of January, we’ll make a pact to blog a few times to get into the habit, and create a directory of all the creators who participate. Readers can then find new makers to follow before we all scatter to the winds. Win-win! I’m all […]
Is it worth writing about?
And that’s great. It’s also the return of Google Reader! Mastodon is really confusing for newcomers. There are memes about it. If you’re an internet user of a certain age, …
A blog is an easy way to write on the web. Here's how to get started.
Every single day, I receive at least one email asking if I’ll accept cash for adding a link to someone’s website in an old post. I won’t. Not ever. Please stop asking. I can imagine a world where, if …
Phew, that's a lot of traffic 😅 What happens when a blog post goes viral? (5 mins read).
Looking at some of the things that happen when my posts have gone viral, from how much traffic it brings, to the various sources of traffic.
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