Lessons learned since posting my salary history publicly (8 mins read).
What I've learned in the year since posting my salary history publicly.
Lessons learned since posting my salary history publicly (8 mins read).
What I've learned in the year since posting my salary history publicly.
Lessons learned from the recent job hunt (13 mins read).
A recap of the recent interview process with several companies, what I learned, and what others should know.
I'm Joining Deliveroo (2 mins read).
Announcing my move into Deliveroo as a Senior Software Engineer.
My colleague Bethan wrote about the work we're currently doing on Federated API Discovery across government. Very much recommend a read about why we're doing it, and we'll be doing more posts in the future about progress, but until then, you can check out the repo
'Knowing Me, Knowing You': Wiggly ears, custom pizzas and a burst appendix (5 mins read).
A copy of answers to the DSA's 'Knowing Me, Knowing You'.
First trip to the office today, excited to meet my new colleagues and see the White Chapel Building where we're based!
First day nerves, but very excited to get started at the Data Standards Authority!
This is (one of many reasons) why Government websites need proper vulnerability disclosure programmes. We (CDDO) are looking at security.txt github.com/alphagov/open-… It's already deployed on some .gov.uk websites.Post details
A reporter at @stltoday discovered a flaw in a state website that risked exposure of teacher Social Security numbers. He notified the state of the problem and it was fixed. Today, @GovParsonMO labeled the reporter a 'hacker' & vowed criminal prosecution. missouriindependent.com/2021/10/14/mis…Jason Hancock (@J_Hancock)Thu, 14 Oct 2021 15:32 +0000
Terence Eden (@edent)Thu, 14 Oct 2021 17:24 +0000
I'm Joining the Cabinet Office (5 mins read).
Announcing my move into the Central Digital and Data Office (CDDO) as a Tech Lead.
You're currently viewing page 1 of 1, of 9 posts.