Chef 14 Upgrade: Custom Resource Properties are Silently Coerced to Hash
if they are a nil
(2 mins read).
Finding out that a nil
gets silently coerced to an empty Hash
if given to a custom resource's property of type Hash
Chef 14 Upgrade: Custom Resource Properties are Silently Coerced to Hash
if they are a nil
(2 mins read).
Finding out that a nil
gets silently coerced to an empty Hash
if given to a custom resource's property of type Hash
Chef 14: ChefSpec Coverage Reporting Deprecation (1 mins read).
Noting the deprecation of using ChefSpec::Coverage.start!
when using Chef 14 and above.
Chef 14 Upgrade: Change in ValidationFailed
error messages when setting required
properties (2 mins read).
The updated error message returned by a Chef ValidationFailed
error, when you're specifying which properties are required
on a custom resource.
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