Tag feed
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Web feeds could be so much more if we put some effort into them. This post explores some ideas of how to start.

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the problem with most folk discovering cool content and websites from their rss feeds is that i have adhd i had adhd 20 years ago too, but the web wasn't built so much to predate upon it, and my adhd is also just worse now that and websites didnt make me angry every day because developers didnt go out of their way to make everything awful
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You know what doesn't get *any* spam? My RSS reader…
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A blog about making culture. Since 1999.

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Remember folks, if it doesn’t have an RSS feed, it’s not a blog, it’s just a sparkling personal website. 🌈 💫 #theMoreYouKnow
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Back in the early days of blogging, the tech press bashed RSS out of existence as it was supposedly too complex for ordinary users. To th...

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A beautiful program to read your RSS/Atom feeds right in the terminal! - GitHub - TypicalAM/goread: A beautiful program to read your RSS/Atom feeds right in the terminal!
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A quick experience report with using an RSS reader for a week. Overall, I'm happy with how things are turning out, but I have a lot of gripes.
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Decide exactly what you want to read and escape the social media algorithms. How an old protocol called RSS can give you back the autonomy about what you read.

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Mixed laterality since 1968

Automagically determining feeds provided for a given URL on the command-line (1 mins read).
Creating a command-line application to discover feeds for a given URL.
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GitHub algorithm seeks to improve discovery. Developers disagree.

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Want to keep up to date, automatically, easily and for free? You Need Feeds. Read an introduction to feeds, view providers, and you'll be well on the way to your own personal one-stop-shop for all your favourite sites.

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If it doesn’t have an RSS feed, it’s not a podcast. Don’t get locked into any platform. 😻
Timo Hetzel (@timohetzel)Fri, 21 Jan 2022 17:11 GMT
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That tiny dopamine rush I get every time I find a new blog I like, input the URL into Reeder and an RSS feed does show up for me to subscribe to. Hitting that subscribe button is a little exhilarating. 😌 Don't judge me.Sara Soueidan (@SaraSoueidan)Thu, 16 Dec 2021 13:20 GMT
Make Your RSS Feed Discoverable (1 mins read).
Why and how you should make it possible to automagically discover your feed(s).
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Free product idea: The Great Twitter Escape * twitter app * scans people you follow for personal website URLs * checks if there's an RSS feed for that URL * provides a pick-and-choose UI of all feeds * generates an OPML file to import in your readerMax Böck (@mxbck)Mon, 17 May 2021 07:26 +0000
I've been asked about not posting the full content on the feed as all my content has made the consumer hit size limits on their feed reader 😂
Features I Want In My Social Reader (6 mins read).
What sort of functionality do I want in my social reader, so I can follow awesome people's thoughts more easily?
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Sometimes I feel like you could pitch re-branded RSS as a hot new startup. ✨ It's a site ✨ where you read other sites/newsletters ✨ with zero bullshit ✨Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier)Fri, 26 Feb 2021 17:28 GMT
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I’m getting back onto RSS, after failing to keep up with things on Twitter for too long 😅 So please send me your favourite blogs that have an RSS feed, so I can party like it’s 2006 🥳Carol 🌻 (@CarolSaysThings)Wed, 06 Jan 2021 09:52 GMT
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Your blog doesn’t need my email address. You’re not that special. Especially not via a pop-up asking me to join your newsletter. Get outta here with that. Give me an RSS feed. Email pop ups are a sure fire way to make sure I close your site immediately.Matt Brunt (@Brunty)Sun, 30 Aug 2020 22:28 +0000
Creating a 'Firehose' Feed (2 mins read).
Splitting out my content feeds, so it's (hopefully) more applicable and less noisy for consumers.
My blogroll https://www.jvt.me/blogroll/ My RSS feed https://www.jvt.me/feed.xml or https://www.jvt.me/posts/feed.xml if you just want my articles And https://www.jvt.me/ for my #Microformats feed and https://www.jvt.me/kind/articles/ for blog
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