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The guy on the left still works at GitHub. The guy on the right was fired :/
Zoë Schiffer (@ZoeSchiffer)Fri, 15 Jan 2021 19:14 GMT
The guy on the left still works at GitHub. The guy on the right was fired :/
Zoë Schiffer (@ZoeSchiffer)Fri, 15 Jan 2021 19:14 GMT
EXCLUSIVE: GitHub is facing employee backlash after the firing of a Jewish employee who suggested 'Nazis are about' on the day of the US Capitol siege…Business Insider (@businessinsider)Tue, 12 Jan 2021 18:53 GMT
I have a feeling this is going to be a new huge shitshow in tech
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employee sad nazis are bad, got fired by head of HR
🏴 Forrest🍃Norvell 🚩 (@othiym23)Fri, 08 Jan 2021 21:22 GMT
Etiene Dalcol (sign-up for Polygloss early beta!) (@etiene_d)Sat, 09 Jan 2021 09:13 GMT
It’s fascinating to me how the CEOs of Shopify and GitHub continue to tweet ridiculously bad takes into the timeline while they platform and support white supremacy on their platforms. If there is proof that some people can’t be cancelled, it’s those two.Tatiana Mac (@TatianaTMac)Wed, 23 Dec 2020 20:36 GMT
I'm sure I've seen this when you look at the merge commit, or commits on the main branch, if the repo uses tagging - it shows all tags applicable, so you have to do some thinking to find the first
Corrosive to your soul: data stored in your browser Totally fine ok fun times: kids in cagesPost details
Spoke to @natfriedman about his decision to nuke cookies on @github. He says trackers are "corrosive to your soul" and more websites should nix them altogether.…Robert Hackett (@rhhackett)Thu, 17 Dec 2020 21:41 GMT
Joe (@jna_sh)Fri, 18 Dec 2020 14:53 GMT
They're tired of the anti-ICE posting, so they've switched to ad hominem attacks
Zombees 💀🐝 (@StrawberrEclair)Sun, 13 Dec 2020 23:26 GMT
The real GitHub dark mode is continuing to sell to ICE
DevOps Krampus (@agentdero)Tue, 08 Dec 2020 18:40 GMT
Oh no why did the timeline tell me about @BigTechAlert, I am not responsible enough to handle this amount of visible CEO pettiness. Relatedly, I guess the GitHub acquisition is truly complete now Satya has dumped the ex-CEO for the brand account 😂Joe (@jna_sh)Sat, 21 Nov 2020 09:27 GMT
Reminder that @GitHub works with ICE, and not only do they work with ICE, but @natfriedman said they didn't know exactly which part of ICE they work with...well turns out they did know: spoilers, it's a part that separates children from their parents.…Post details
John Kelly, then White House chief of staff, told @radiobigtex in 2018: "The children will be taken care of, put into foster care or whatever." In addition to losing track of parents, the United States can't locate 360 children. Or rather, "about 360."…Steve Inskeep (@NPRinskeep)Wed, 21 Oct 2020 12:22 +0000
Joe (@jna_sh)Wed, 21 Oct 2020 12:55 +0000
Also #github
The trolley problem at Facebook.
Ro (@Rochelle)Mon, 21 Sep 2020 16:57 +0000
"I muted "ICE" but it didn't stop me seeing people holding me accountable for my actions"
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Unfollowing everyone on Twitter and switching to lists for better control of my feed. Nothing personal, love you all! ♥️
Nat Friedman (@natfriedman)Sat, 19 Sep 2020 20:12 +0000
Joe (@jna_sh)Sat, 19 Sep 2020 23:45 +0000
The most under appreciated step of the Ubuntu installer
Maartje Eyskens 😷 (@MaartjeME)Sat, 19 Sep 2020 08:04 +0000
I hope every time @github has an outage I hope they think about the amazing SREs they lost because of a 6-figure contract with literal fascistspegasi for police abolition (@stillinbeta)Thu, 10 Sep 2020 20:06 +0000
This secret…Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane)Fri, 21 Aug 2020 01:04 +0000
any software not working with ICE
Penelope literally has no balls (@penelope_zone)Sat, 22 Aug 2020 14:22 +0000
I have a joke about github nah just wanted to remind you that they are still helping to vanish children
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Two years after peak of Trump’s family separations again we‘re asking same question: where are the kids? This time it’s kids who were detained inside of a Hilton, are no longer there and neither ICE, nor ACLU which is suing for access to them, can immediately locate them tonight.
Jacob Soboroff (@jacobsoboroff)Sat, 25 Jul 2020 04:22 +0000
Barnard Castle Whiteboard Test (@jna_sh)Sat, 25 Jul 2020 17:16 +0000
Much irony. @github, drop ICE. #TechWontBuildIt #NoTechForIceLiz Fong-Jones (方禮真) (@lizthegrey)Fri, 17 Jul 2020 02:55 +0000
Omg I think I got it working! Cool new feature, @github !henry▘ (@xdesro)Thu, 09 Jul 2020 22:27 +0000
I like this new feature on @GitHub! (…)Jacky Alcine (@jackyalcine)Thu, 09 Jul 2020 22:18 +0000
I can also absolutely see a lot of responses to this being about frozen water. I, too, would delete that if I could.
Tierney “Space Queen” Cyren 🍑 (@bitandbang)Thu, 09 Jul 2020 16:14 +0000
I thought github had dropped use of Master for Main (or something other than Master) - reported a week or so ago, and yet all my new projects _still_ use Master. Sad. I thought it was a step towards Better. Apparently just wind.@rem (@rem)Wed, 01 Jul 2020 18:58 +0000
breaking: github to rename default “master” branch to “ICE”
jenn (@jennschiffer)Wed, 24 Jun 2020 00:25 +0000
[GitHub has lock-in like none other but no one will comfortably admit that because of the """social""" pressures]
jacky. 📟🇭🇹✊🏾 (@jackyalcine)Tue, 23 Jun 2020 19:36 +0000
I'm so glad you've taken this position, GitHub! Since you have now decided that you care about the welfare of immigrants, stop working with ICE
Ian Coldwater 📦💥 (@IanColdwater)Wed, 22 Apr 2020 02:04 +0000
An interesting idea, but surely you'd not want to break existing links to your articles, and instead have it update the article to say "this may be outdated, we're reviewing this"?
Using Git refs to check out GitHub Pull Requests, from your local repo (2 mins read).
How to pull the Git refs for Pull Requests to your GitHub repo.
2017 in Review (68 mins read).
A look back over the awesome (and not so awesome) things that happened in 2017, and a look forward to what 2018 holds.
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