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Reminder that if a cishet tech dude says "but 'guys' is a gender neutral term" ask them how many 'guys' they've slept with and watch them freak out
Reminder that if a cishet tech dude says "but 'guys' is a gender neutral term" ask them how many 'guys' they've slept with and watch them freak out
Someone just tried to say, with a straight face, that they weren’t misgendering someone, because “sir” is gender neutral. That’s a new one for me!Kelly Ellis is Pro-Abortion (@justkelly_ok)Sat, 24 Sep 2022 11:09 +0000
In 2004 I received a Linguistics degree. There is vanishingly little use to that. But when I find a cultural debate about language I can…
That’s why we have “y’all”
John Morris (@anotherjtm)Fri, 29 Oct 2021 04:49 +0000
Or “folks” or “team” or “hot badasses” etc 🔥
Cake is Kate. Always has been 💫 (@kefimochi)Fri, 29 Oct 2021 04:50 +0000
"hey guys"
Ann Kilzer // 杏キルザー J&J 🍥 (@stonecoldkilzer)Fri, 29 Oct 2021 04:15 +0000
Many people I know find it exclusive, even when it's clearly not meant that way, but still doesn't sound great ie "well done to the guys in that team". Even if you and your team treat it as a gender-neutral term, it's not gonna be seen the way outside of your group so it's always better to avoid it
guys is not gender neutral guys is not gender neutral guys is not gender neutral guys is not gender neutral guys is not gender neutral guys is not gender neutral guys is not gender neutral guys is not gender neutral guys is not gender neutral
Christie Koehler (@christi3k)Thu, 06 May 2021 19:19 +0000
Cishet guys think “dude” is gender neutral until you tell everyone about the dude they’re dating.
Charlie Moore (@socalledcharlie)Fri, 30 Apr 2021 23:07 +0000
When I am in a meeting, and someone refers to the room as “guys,” my assumption is that they are not speaking to me. 🙃
the apocalypse, but make it fashion. ✨ (@ElleArmageddon)Thu, 15 Apr 2021 16:19 +0000 ❤️
Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)Fri, 26 Mar 2021 23:48 GMT
In my house we've stopped using 'guys' to refer to people, but somehow started using it to refer to house spiders. There's a frequent shout of "who's that guy?" when a spider is spotted in a corner. It makes people using "guys" on slack/zoom hilariously weird. 🕷️
Jo (@ThisIsJoFrank)Tue, 22 Dec 2020 20:21 GMT
I’ve recently started substituting “guys” for “folks”. It’s not easy to change the habit of a lifetime, but it comes at no cost to me, I’ll keep at it.Oliver Tomlinson 🇪🇺 (@dotDestroyer)Sat, 26 Sep 2020 18:19 +0000 is a good resource
I feel excluded by it. I'm not a guy.
Emma Seward (@MrsEmma)Sat, 26 Sep 2020 15:00 +0000
Friends don't let friends... Use the word "Guys" when addressing a mixed gender room... Infact, just don't use the word "Guys" at all...
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Friends don't let friends ____________________ Fill in the gap. And tag two friends. @ShanesCows @sbissonLuise Freese💙💜💖 | MVP | #poweraddict (@LuiseFreese)Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:44 +0000
Pete Gallagher - Azure #MVPBuzz #MSIgnite (@pete_codes)Sat, 26 Sep 2020 08:09 +0000
stop. using. "guys". to refer to groups of humans. 😡
Black lives matter (@jaicesd)Thu, 02 Jul 2020 00:38 +0000
How many guys have you dated?
Seth Vargo (@sethvargo)Sat, 23 May 2020 23:53 +0000
Fellas often tweet me asking a question and start it with, “hey man” and I always respond to that with “hey woman” and they *always* delete their original tweet, it’s a shame
Cassidy Williams (@cassidoo)Sun, 10 May 2020 16:45 +0000
This is a great resource for how to replace the term "guys" with an inclusive alternative
As with 'You Guys', this is another great view into why using inclusive phrases are incredibly important.
This is another post you really need to read, if you haven't already, as it makes you really think about the way you communicate.
I know a lot of people who use the term 'you guys' as a gender-neutral term, but after reading this article it really helps persuade you that the term is actually not as inclusive as you think.
For a couple of years now I've been making an effort to use gender-neutral ways to address groups, and I hope after reading this you will too.
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