Creating single-purpose RSS feeds with Hugo (2 mins read).

How to create a new RSS feed in Hugo for a single page's updates.
Creating single-purpose RSS feeds with Hugo (2 mins read).
How to create a new RSS feed in Hugo for a single page's updates.
Some notes on upgrading Hugo
Why isn't Hugo regenerating my SCSS files? (1 mins read).
How to ensure you're using the right Hugo version to build SCSS files.
Read about management and leadership in software engineering. Learn from the past and move forward!
Minimal, single page, smooth-scrolling theme for Hugo static site generator. - GitHub - victoriadrake/hugo-theme-introduction: Minimal, single page, smooth-scrolling theme for Hugo static site gene...
Creating a minimal AWS S3 Bucket Policy for deploying with Hugo via hugo deploy
. (1 mins read).
How to configure an AWS S3 Bucket for hugo deploy
with the minimal access required for a role to write objects to.
I'm doing that on the new site. Hugo was a little pain to work with sometimes so I stopped "fixing" the code. Now i'm working on the new site which should be up in 2022 (soon).
Sara Soueidan (@SaraSoueidan)Thu, 16 Dec 2021 14:09 GMT
there’s always a hugo reply guy
Andy Bell (@piccalilli_)Tue, 16 Mar 2021 08:32 GMT
Hugo and git submodules make Hugo less accessible, imho. Is there a dead simple static site generator out there that I just haven’t heard of? It used to be Hugo but, I don’t know if that’s the case anymore. Preferably not node.js because...Chris Short (@ChrisShort)Thu, 31 Dec 2020 13:43 GMT
Changing the Storage of Cites on my Site (2 mins read).
Changing how I store and render context for other posts.
I moved from Jekyll to Hugo cause of speed and massively recommend it. It's a bit painful documentation wise / if Go's templating isn't your cup of tea but I could see it being one of the longer running static site generators
Creating a 'Firehose' Feed (2 mins read).
Splitting out my content feeds, so it's (hopefully) more applicable and less noisy for consumers.
Anyone in the #Hugo community able to give me a hand with ? I'm trying to get pagination working so I have one page per day (with all the posts per day) but I can't seem to get the right incantation, if even possible?
I mean, I said that an hour or so ago, but that was before the site had deployed... Turns out caught me out again and isn't fixed until is in (although I've done a temporary deploy from my local machine to get the site up).
Very annoying!
My site is now running Hugo v0.62! Not too painful an upgrade from 0.58.3, given changes in the Markdown parser - - largely Table of Contents related, and one place where I'd not got enough spacing in around fenced codeblocks
Reader Mail: Getting an RSS Feed of Only Posts (2 mins read).
Updating my site to allow for RSS feeds for specific post content such as posts, as per a reader's request.
Reader Mail: What Static Site Generator Would I Recommend? (4 mins read).
What Static Site Generator would I recommend?
Although it doesn't help you, Hugo has Archetypes to set up these repetitive and boring bits of metadata for new content types - it makes a huge difference in getting up and running with your boilerplate 🙃
Making Hugo Generate Case Sensitive URLs (2 mins read).
How to make your Hugo URLs case sensitive.
Reader Mail: Getting Started with Hugo and Micropub (5 mins read).
Answering a question by a reader about how to get started with writing a Micropub endpoint for use with Hugo.
Diagnosing my Slow Netlify Deploy Times (2 mins read).
How I managed to shave off 7 minutes of my deploy time, (in true clickbait fashion) just by removing one line of code.
Turns out my tests hadn't all passed 😂 should work now!
I guess you could say I'm officially a Go developer now that I've made this tiny contribution to Hugo!
Auto-linking URLs with Hugo (2 mins read).
How to get URLs automagically converted to links in Hugo, using Regular Expressions.
Adding a 404 page for on Netlify, with Hugo (1 mins read).
Announcing a swanky new 404 page for
Making it easier to determine the kind
of content for Indie posts (2 mins read).
Adding a kind
hint to my Indie post types to make it easier to look through each content kind.
Restructuring The Way That My Site's Content Types Work (5 mins read).
How I've restructured my content to map more closely to Microformats for any Indie content types.
Rendering Webmentions using Client Side JavaScript (2 mins read).
Replacing my server-side rendered webmentions with client-side rendering.
Using Hugo .Render
to Save Repetition (3 mins read).
Replacing if
s with .Render
to save duplication in Hugo templates.
Adding iCalendar Feeds for Events in Hugo (1 mins read).
Using Hugo's custom output formats to automagically create an iCalendar feed for events.
Specifying datetime in your Hugo posts' front matter (1 mins read).
Setting your posts' date
to a datetime string to specify the time a post was published at.
Moving to reveal-hugo (3 mins read).
Migrating my custom Reveal.JS setup to using reveal-hugo.
Goodbye Jekyll, Hello Hugo! (5 mins read).
My move from Jekyll to super speedy Hugo, and what I've needed to do to migrate.
You're currently viewing page 1 of 1, of 46 posts.