Sending Webmentions Automagically on Deploys of the static website (4 mins read).
The journey to getting Webmentions sending automatically from my static website,
Sending Webmentions Automagically on Deploys of the static website (4 mins read).
The journey to getting Webmentions sending automatically from my static website,
I want to say a big thanks for everyone who came to this evening to hear my talk about the IndieWeb!
I hope you all got something out of the talk and it's encouraged you to look into it a bit more - come along to for more IndieWeb + personal website building.
I'm looking forward to getting a blog post out, covering it, but that may have to wait until I give the talk at in October.
Making it easier to determine the kind
of content for Indie posts (2 mins read).
Adding a kind
hint to my Indie post types to make it easier to look through each content kind.
Setting Up a Micropub Server for (7 mins read).
Announcing the creation of my Micropub server, to allow publishing content away from my laptop/desktop.
How to RSVP to an Indie Event from your Website (4 mins read).
How to use your personal website in conjunction with Microformats and Webmention to be able to RSVP to Indie events.
Restructuring The Way That My Site's Content Types Work (5 mins read).
How I've restructured my content to map more closely to Microformats for any Indie content types.
Creating an iCalendar feed for my RSVPs (3 mins read).
How and why I've created a public calendar for the RSVPs I send from this site.
This should be a really interesting listen about getting started with the IndieWeb with David, I'd recommend it.
But in an even cooler turn of events, it was very cool to see that my article Why I Have a Website and You Should Too ( ) discussed at roughly 39:00.
Why I Have a Website and You Should Too (12 mins read).
A persuasive look at the many reasons why you should have your own website, and some of the benefits it will bring you.
What a great writeup of some of the happenings at IndieWeb Summit! This looked like an awesome event, and although I was unable to make it in person this year, I'm definitely planning on it next year.
There were some great sessions that I'm still catching up on, and will be interested to see what folks produce off the back of their conversations there.
This is a great post by David recounting the 'levels' of IndieWeb capabilities, in a way that makes more sense to those who haven't been as involved in the community, and want to know how to relate to more common points of reference, like social media.
Welcome to the IndieWeb, Craig! Glad to see it's helped you think about getting to self-publishing all your content, and I look forward to following you (once there's an RSS/h-feed set up!).
When I was promoting the last Homebrew Website Club on Twitter ( ), a friend of Craig's tweeted to mention to him about it. We then spent a couple of days talking about it - and boom, Craig is now running his own Homebrew Website Club on 18th July ( ).
Last night Craig posted this great post about joining the community and with some great explanations for newbies. Welcome, Craig!
Talking about the IndieWeb at OggCamp 2019 (1 mins read).
Announcing my talk at OggCamp 2019 about the IndieWeb.
As I've embraced indie post types, such as reposts, I've noticed that actually I've been using them wrong.
Looking at it appears I've been conflating a "retweet" on Twitter with a "repost", thinking they were the same. Alas, they are not, and it makes more sense to be a bookmark.
I've since updated the posts using the wrong type and will get things right next time!
Why (3 mins read).
Why is this site Why do I use www.? All will be explained.
Announcing support for posting notes to my website.
Welcome to my first ! Notes are short-form content that will be purely plain text (for now!) and are similar to tweets on Twitter or toots on Mastodon, but won't be size limited.
I've been wanting to creating other post types since starting to use and having a social feed. I've found that I want to interact with other posts, such as like or repost others' content, much as I would do with Twitter.
Discoverability of notes currently aren't super amazing, but I'm tackling it as part of because adding these post types was a large enough piece of work.
With this note, I'll now be able to , , , , and .
RSVPs are an interesting one, because the end goal I want is for my RSVPs to be syndicated from this site to i.e.
I'm hoping to work on bringing support to this site, too, but as it's a static site with and hosted on with a full build/test/deploy pipeline, it'll be a little less straightforward, and slower, than other solutions.
I've designed the content schema to be Micropub-first, as I want to be writing these posts using a Micropub client, rather than my usual workflow. I've made the source files JSON files (which Hugo natively supports) which makes them easily machine writeable - hopefully it'll teach me to prioritise my Micropub support so I don't have to manually write JSON!
In terms of licensing, I'm going to start by them in line with my posts, as , but down the line I may look at other licenses.
Re-enabling search on my static website (2 mins read).
Announcing the re-enabling of search functionality on my static website.
Adding a JSON Feed to my site (1 mins read).
Setting up JSON feed for site for better interoperability with the IndieWeb.
Hello IndieAuth! (1 mins read).
Setting up my IndieAuth provider for interacting with IndieWeb applications everywhere.
Hello IndieNews! (2 mins read).
Discovering IndieNews and starting to syndicate my posts to it.
Marking up Events with Microformats (1 mins read).
Announcing the events content type and their markup with h-event
Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham, Session 1 (2 mins read).
A recap of our first Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham.
Adding the microformats h-entry markup to my blog posts (1 mins read).
Announcing the addition of the h-entry
markup to my blog posts.
Displaying Webmentions on my Hugo website (3 mins read).
How and why I've gone about getting Webmentions rendered on my static Hugo site.
Setting up a personal hCard for myself (2 mins read).
Setting up an hCard to allow microformats parsing for details about myself.
Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham (2 mins read).
Thoughts about setting up the first Homebrew Website Club in Nottingham.
FOSDEM 2019 (31 mins read).
Recapping my time at the Free and Open Source Developers Europe Meeting conference in Brussels.
You're currently viewing page 5 of 5, of 235 posts.