Tag intellij
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TIL that you can make regex patterns in code comments auto-link somewhere within Android Studio just by modifying the .idea/vcs.xml file Works really nice for auto-linking to JIRA tickets etc!Ed George (@Sp4ghettiCode)Thu, 09 Sep 2021 15:06 +0000
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Your pom.xml might list just 7 dependencies, but your application might be dependent on many more. One of my favorite @intellijidea features is being able to view ALL the dependencies in my @ASFMavenProject project, in a visual manner (including its transitive dependencies).Mala Gupta (@eMalaGupta)Tue, 22 Jun 2021 03:31 +0000
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Loving the new feature in @intellijidea to run the rest api directly from the RequestMapping itself! I find it very useful! I don't have to leave my IDE at all! Thanks @intellijidea!Neha Sardana (@nehasardana09)Mon, 14 Dec 2020 20:49 GMT
Resolving Gradle Error Unexpected Parent Dependency
in IntelliJ (1 mins read).

How to resolve the error Unexpected Parent Dependency
when building Gradle projects in IntelliJ.
Navigating through the Vim Changelist with Intellij (2 mins read).

How to use g;
and g,
using IntelliJ's IdeaVim plugin to cycle through changes in a file.
This is very frustrating, but I can confirm that using aur/intellij-idea-community-edition-no-jre
has resolved this, as per craynic's comment
Just been shown this by a colleague - it's a great way to learn shortcuts for the thing you just did and how you can do that task with a handy keystroke in the future!
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