Thanks to Carol Gilabert for sharing this podcast last week.
Since leaving Capital One, I've realised that a lot of my self esteem and self worth has been poured into my work, and I was (mostly) getting a lot of satisfaction out of work, and enjoyed the fact that I was always busy, with sprint work, out-of-sprint work, and a tonne of internal side projects to work on, as well as general maintenance of libraries, as well as a wealth of proactive production support.
With my new role at the Data Standards Authority, I've been working to strike a better life-work balance, and the lack of "here's a billion things to work on at the same time" that I thought I was thriving on has made me realise that maybe I've been so used to being in this mode that I just assumed that I did enjoy it.
This podcast (and its transcript) is a good look at The Great Resignation, the way that workers across industries have been reconsidering their relationship to work, and with a wealth of options for jobs out here, as well as thinking about not what they want, but deserve.
I'm still working on my own relationship with work and how I find fulfillment in my life, and would recommend you have a listen/read to see if there's anything in there for you, too.