Don't pretty print your API's JSON response body (3 mins read).
Why pretty-printing JSON responses in your APIs is a waste of resources, and you should stop it.
Don't pretty print your API's JSON response body (3 mins read).
Why pretty-printing JSON responses in your APIs is a waste of resources, and you should stop it.
How do you represent a JSON field in Go that could be absent, null
or have a value? (5 mins read).
Why it's surprisingly hard to work out a field has been sent or whether it's explicitly null, when using Go's encoding/json
JSON output from a shell. Contribute to jpmens/jo development by creating an account on GitHub.
For more content like this, buy my in-progress eBook, Data Serialization in Go, and get updates immediately as they are added! This post contains links and notes for the presentation I gave on March 5, 2020, for the Golang Rotterdam meetup group. Download the slides in PDF format, or you can view the Go Present source file. Previous blog posts on related topics: “Slightly” custom marshaling JSON Arrays as Go structs
Querying JSON with SQLite (1 mins read).
How to use json_each
and json_extract
to query a JSON field in SQLite.
JSON Hero makes reading and understand JSON files easy by giving you a clean and beautiful UI packed with extra features.
Pretty Printing JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) on the Command Line using Go (2 mins read).
How to easily introspect and pretty print a signed JWT (JWS) or an encrypted JWT (JWE) on the command line using Go.
Gotcha: Field casing is important when marshalling struct
s to JSON in Go (2 mins read).
Why you may be missing fields from your struct
s in your Go json.Marshal
Pretty Printing JSON on the Command Line with Go (1 mins read).
Using Go's JSON module to pretty print JSON objects from the command line.
Spent this morning using and adapting @ZacSweers excellent JSON benchmarking project to (hopefully) demonstrate why a future migration to Moshi is extremely beneficial 🤞✨Ed George 🍝 (@Sp4ghettiCode)Thu, 27 Jan 2022 13:27 GMT
Encoding Strings for Embedding in JSON with Ruby on the Command-Line (1 mins read).
How to easily convert a string to a format that can be used as a value for JSON strings.
Parsing Encoded JSON Strings on the Command-Line with Ruby (1 mins read).
How to decode an encoded JSON string.
Diffing Pretty-Printed JSON Files (4 mins read).
How to compare two JSON documents by pretty-printing them.
Generating the Client Assertion JWT for private_key_jwt
Authentication with Ruby (1 mins read).
A helper script to generate the client assertion required to authenticate to an Authorization Server that supports private_key_jwt
, on the command-line with Ruby.
Verifying Signed JWTs (JWS) with Ruby (2 mins read).
Using the ruby-jwt library to verify a signed JSON Web Token (JWS) on the command-line.
Creating Signed JWTs (JWS) with Ruby (1 mins read).
Using the json-jwt and ruby-jwt libraries to sign a JSON Web Token on the command-line.
Providing Custom Serialization for Map
Keys in Jackson (1 mins read).
How to configure Jackson to use a custom method to serialise keys for a Map
Creating Signed JWTs (JWS) with Node.JS (1 mins read).
How to use the jsonwebtoken library to create a Signed JSON Web Token (JWS) with Node.JS.
Minifying JSON with Python (1 mins read).
How to take a pretty-printed JSON string and replace it with a minifed JSON string using Python.
Minifying JSON with Ruby (1 mins read).
How to take a pretty-printed JSON string and replace it with a minifed JSON string using Ruby.
Pretty Printing JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) on the Command Line using OpenSSL (3 mins read).
How to easily introspect a JWT on the command line using OpenSSL and optionally Python for real pretty-printing.
Verify if a field in a JSON response is not set with Rest Assured (1 mins read).
How to verify whether a field is not present in a JSON Rest Assured Response
Pretty Print JSON with Java (1 mins read).
How to pretty print a JSON object using Java and Jackson.
Pretty Printing JSON with Ruby (1 mins read).
Using Kernel.jj
to pretty print Ruby objects as JSON objects.
Verifying Signed JWTs (JWS) with Node.JS (3 mins read).
How to use the jsonwebtoken and node-jose libraries to verify the signature of a Signed JSON Web Token (JWS) with Node.JS.
Pretty Printing JSON using Node.JS on the Command Line (1 mins read).
Using Node.JS's JSON module to pretty print JSON objects from the command line.
Pretty Printing JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) on the Command Line using Ruby (3 mins read).
How to easily introspect and pretty print a signed JWT (JWS) or an encrypted JWT (JWE) on the command line using Ruby's standard library, or using the ruby-jwt external library.
Pretty Printing JSON on the Command Line with Ruby (1 mins read).
Using Ruby's JSON module to pretty print JSON objects from the command line.
Converting YAML to JSON and vice versa (Part 1 - Ruby) (2 mins read).
Coerce YAML to JSON and vice versa, from the comfort of your Gem-studded command line.
Pretty Printing JSON on the Command Line with Python (2 mins read).
Using Python's JSON module to pretty print JSON objects from the command line.
You're currently viewing page 1 of 1, of 39 posts.