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Attached: 1 image Remember, if you use LinkedIn at all, this is an opt OUT!

Attached: 1 image Remember, if you use LinkedIn at all, this is an opt OUT!
You would not believe the level of insanity you have to go through to allow a link to see an organic audience on LinkedIn.
Attached: 1 image wtf, wait. no way.. how the
LinkedIn loves to tell me that my post has received a bunch of impressions, but I haven't gotten a single conversion from it, so I guess that tells me everything I need to know about that platform.
LinkedIn is prompting users with strange questions to contribute to collaborative articles. What is it all about?(
Attached: 1 image Jesus fucking Christ I was already feeling sad without this.
it's not good even on the web so i doubt that very much, linkedin(
LinkedIn is cool because I can post about a k8s removal purely to ensure people's clusters don't fall over, and some jackass will use it to write a post about how this was great customer marketing and I'm "re-engaging users to promote new features" or "leveraging the deprecation"
Kat Cosgrove (@Dixie3Flatline)Tue, 12 Apr 2022 14:25 +0000
Has anyone else just deleted their linkedIn account? It's such a depressing place. Every time I log in (rarely) I just get a sea of recruitment spam and unknown people wanting to 'connect'. Is it actually helpful? Do employers really look at it?Cassie Evans (@cassiecodes)Wed, 26 Jan 2022 13:16 GMT
I sort of find it useful to look up people I'm going to be working with. See their background / experience. I don't post anything there or read what other people have written. But I think it is useful as an acceptable way to publish your CV.Terence Eden (@edent)Wed, 26 Jan 2022 13:26 GMT
What is with recruiters trying to add me on LinkedIn but not sending a message? You know you can message me without being connected right, I'm not going to just accept connections from randomers without any context at all.Samathy Barratt (@Samathy_Barratt)Mon, 10 Jan 2022 11:46 GMT
This ain't LinkedIn
GlücklicherMind™ (@GlucklicherMind)Wed, 17 Nov 2021 05:24 GMT
How it really is on that app 😭
Ser Ramsey (@DrizzleGawd)Mon, 19 Jul 2021 00:49 +0000
The trick about adding an emoji to the start of your LinkedIn name to spot automated recruitment messages _actually_ works ✨✨
Ed George (@Sp4ghettiCode)Thu, 03 Sep 2020 13:24 +0000
I saw a post on LinkedIn that recommended adding an emoji at the beginning of your name because you could see who was using some sort of automation tool to send out connection requests. I can now confirm it works.Kelly Vaughn 🐞 (@kvlly)Mon, 31 Aug 2020 00:24 +0000
Checked my LinkedIn, good to see it's still a cesspit full of shitty people crowing about how they're top 1% like it's OnlyFans for recruiters
Kat Cosgrove's DevOps and Thirst Traps Emporium 🍑 (@Dixie3Flatline)Sun, 23 Aug 2020 20:14 +0000
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