Tag micropub


You may be interested in https://github.com/voxpelli/webpage-micropub-to-github - in the #IndieWeb community we've worked on a standard call #Micropub which allows you to use a number of clients (mobile and desktop) which interact with a Micropub server. There's a tonne of clients available, including the one I'm replying to you from, right now!


I've also implemented this in my Micropub server:

  • when creating a post, and the draft scope is present, the post-status is forced to draft (even if it's set otherwise in the post)
  • when updating a post, and the draft scope is present, the update is only allowed when updating a draft post, otherwise returns insufficient_scope
  • delete/undelete returns insufficient_scope when the draft scope is present



TLDR: Nearly everyone who wants micropub support writes their own library, endpoint, or whole cms or blog engine.

I believe part of this is because Micropub requires intimate knowledge of how your own site is set up, so unfortunately can't be written as a generic solution, because most folks won't have things set up the same way, even on ie WordPress using common IndieWeb plugins

It's still a good point that maybe we need to look at creating an out-of-the-box Micropub endpoint for some of the common tech stacks.


My Micropub endpoint has a fair bit of unit testing inside the Java project ( https://gitlab.com/jamietanna/www-api/tree/develop/www-api-web/micropub ) for common flows, but I've also found a tonne of implementation issues by integrating with real Micropub clients.

Some of it is an issue on a Micropub client, but most of it is something I've missed or assumed incorrectly.

I'm thinking to create a stubbed version ( https://gitlab.com/jamietanna/www-api/issues/26 ) that I can then use with https://micropub.rocks to ensure compliance.

Some of it is also a case of reading through the Micropub spec!


Woo, thanks to https://realize.be/ for releasing an update of the wonderful Android app https://indigenous.realize.be/ which adds in a fix to not send multiple bearer tokens in Micropub requests ( https://github.com/swentel/indigenous-android/issues/241 )

This started breaking for me when I upgraded my Micropub endpoint to use the spring-oauth2-resource-server module ( https://gitlab.com/jamietanna/www-api/merge_requests/27 ) which is a well-formed OAuth2 server, whereas my previous implementation was not.

Super speedy fix, and glad to be back to using the app again!