Tag monorepo
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My first commercial app (when I was baby) had an individual git repo for each of my lambda crud resolvers because I deluded myself into thinking granular deploys would provide customer value in some way
Jacob Paris π (@jacobmparis)Tue, 04 Jan 2022 05:48 GMT
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if someone tells you an app needs 25 times more repositories than developers, they're clearly in the pocket of Big DevOps
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My first commercial app (when I was baby) had an individual git repo for each of my lambda crud resolvers because I deluded myself into thinking granular deploys would provide customer value in some way
Jacob Paris π (@jacobmparis)Tue, 04 Jan 2022 05:48 GMT
Jacob Paris π (@jacobmparis)Tue, 04 Jan 2022 05:59 GMT
Merging multiple repositories into a monorepo, while preserving history, using git subtree
(3 mins read).

How to merge multiple repositories, with their history, into a single repository, using the git subtree add
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