Tag netlify
It feels odd to suddenly have i.e. replies to tweets be sent ~90 seconds after I post the comment, instead of ~8 minutes later. Turns out that some tweaking of #Netlify settings, reducing some of the size of files on my site, and migrating from Netlify to #Cloudfront with a self-hosted shell #gitlab CI runner makes a big difference!
Managed to track down what the ~5 minutes of post processing was on my #Netlify site (thanks to the wonderful support from https://community.netlify.com/t/slow-deploy-times/30857/4) - now I wonder how else I can trim the deploy speed to something more reasonable
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I refuse to be easily impressed by swa.... OMG is that a mug that Netlify sent me?! instagr.am/p/CEWzUoOJ8GB/Cristiano Betta (@cbetta)Wed, 26 Aug 2020 14:52 +0000
Pretty cool to say I'm developer #194,327 on #Netlify - a million devs is a huge milestone, congrats, and thanks for the great platform!
You can find out where you joined at https://million-devs.netlify.com/
For those that haven't seen, #Netlify now supports branch deployments via the CLI (and the API)! https://www.jvt.me/posts/2020/06/03/netlify-cli-branch/
Deploying a Branch to Netlify on the Command-Line (1 mins read).

How to use Netlify's Node CLI to deploy a given branch to Netlify.
Migrating to Netlify's Deployments from GitLab CI (3 mins read).

Moving to avoid flaky deployments, and trying to reduce deployment times.
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At @netlify we use Netlify to build Netlify, so when I make changes to Netlify I log into Netlify and see Netlify deploy Netlify and then my deployment of Netlify replaces the Netlify I'm looking at because it's Netlify I'm deploying with Netlify to Netlify. #netlifyDrew McLellan (@drewm)Thu, 21 May 2020 10:25 +0000
Netlify Billing Request: Extra Bandwidth Allowances (1 mins read).

A copy of an email I've sent to the Netlify team about improving billing for bandwidth allowances.
I mean, I said that an hour or so ago, but that was before the site had deployed... Turns out https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/11/11/gotcha-netlify-lowercase/ caught me out again and isn't fixed until https://gitlab.com/jamietanna/jvt.me/merge_requests/638 is in (although I've done a temporary deploy from my local machine to get the site up).
Very annoying!
Gotcha: Netlify Makes All Your Filenames Case-Insensitive (1 mins read).

Beware if you have a requirement for case-sensitive URLs for Netlify.
Diagnosing my Slow Netlify Deploy Times (2 mins read).

How I managed to shave off 7 minutes of my deploy time, (in true clickbait fashion) just by removing one line of code.
Adding a 404 page for www.jvt.me on Netlify, with Hugo (1 mins read).

Announcing a swanky new 404 page for www.jvt.me.
Using Netlify for hosting www.jvt.me in Production (2 mins read).

Announcing my move to Netlify for hosting www.jvt.me.
Deploying to Netlify using GitLab CI (3 mins read).

How adding two lines to my .gitlab-ci.yml
migrated my existing site from GitLab Pages to Netlify.
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