Tag open-source


Reposted calcifer (@calcifer@hackers.town)
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People seem to really have bought into the capitalist version of open source where software is still a product that requires support and marketing and a roadmap and exists to serve a user community separate and apart from the project. But a whole lot of open source is really just a sharing economy. It’s devs doing something they found useful and deciding to share it rather than hoard it. Those devs don’t owe anyone extra labor just because they chose to share.


Liked Chris Siebenmann (@cks@mastodon.social)
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IMHO, an underappreciated aspect of 'filing bug reports is (hard) work for people' is that it's hard work that often has no particularly immediate payoff. Filing a bug report will mostly not get the problem fixed immediately the way you want; at best it may get you a fix in the next release, which will arrive who knows when. Sparked by: https://hachyderm.io/@funnelfiasco/110344473863227729


Liked Getting to know the Open Source Vulnerability (OSV) format - Open Source Security Foundation by Jennifer Bly 
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To keep the modern technological world of open source software safe, it is critical to efficiently and accurately communicate information about open source vulnerabilities. The OSV Schema, created through the collaboration between OpenSSF members and housed within the Vulnerability Disclosures Working Group, provides a minimal, easy-to-use first class JSON format for describing vulnerabilities in open source software.


Liked geraldew (@geraldew@fosstodon.org)
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FOSS licenses come in two approaches. The distinction is _who_ is granted the most freedom: - in "copyleft" licenses the emphasis is on the end-user, ensuring that they are _always_ passed the four freedoms; - in "permissive" licenses, the emphasis is on other developers/programmers, including allowing them to _not_ pass on the four freedoms. Is disappointing people still mistake this as being a difference between #FreeSoftware and #OpenSource because each has always supported both types.


Bookmarked Entitlement in Open Source by Mike McQuaid 
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There have been discussions in the aftermath of the log4j vulnerability about whether or not open source is broken or sustainable, what we can do to improve the sustainability of the open source ecosystem moving forwards, and the entitlement of users and companies in expecting maintainers to fix their problems.


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