Tag personal-website
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I don't like looking at analytics too much because it deters me away from focusing on the quality of my blog posts, but it's that time of year where I have a quick peak! This is how 2020 compares to last year. 🤯 Thank you all for taking the time to follow along💜 #bypawlean https://t.co/x3j5wjFAB8Post details
👋🏻 So many new friends, hey! Thanks for reading. 💪🏼 My annual health post is always very popular (it is that random spike in users, this year it was 400) ✨ "Normal" posts get about 40-50 views ⏰ People aren't just clicking away instantly - thanks for reading my essays lolPauline is taking a break 😴 (@paulienuh)Tue, 24 Dec 2019 13:40 GMT
Pauline is taking a break 😴 (@paulienuh)Wed, 23 Dec 2020 18:08 GMT
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I am on PTO for the next two weeks. Guess I no longer have an excuse to put off building a personal website
Kat Cosgrove, Alleged Thought Leader (@Dixie3Flatline)Fri, 18 Dec 2020 00:47 GMT
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My debut article for @css is live! 🤗🎉 Thanks to @chriscoyier and team, who asked: “What is one thing you learned about building websites this year?” My answer: Make it personal. 💻💚Post details
Make it Personal css-tricks.com/make-it-person…CSS-Tricks (@css)Fri, 11 Dec 2020 23:36 GMT
Matthias Ott (@m_ott)Sat, 12 Dec 2020 00:18 GMT
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I've been posting a blog every day this year. It has been fun and stressful. But I'm in sight of my stretch-goal of ONE MILLION page views over the year. I need ~3k views per day for the rest of December. Better write some Controversial Tech Opinions™. shkspr.mobi/blogTerence Eden (@edent)Tue, 01 Dec 2020 08:52 GMT
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Adding new bits to my site last night felt annoying and painful. Need to hurry and migrate to eleventy already 😅🏃♀️Carol 🌻 (@CarolSaysThings)Mon, 02 Nov 2020 10:43 GMT
This is something I strive quite hard to ensure, using tools like html-proofer and comparing against old sitemaps when I change things considerably with my site. It's also something that is quite infuriating when following links to a site that has now rewritten their URLs, so I've learned from that too!
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How it started: How it's going:
Todd Morey (@toddmorey)Fri, 16 Oct 2020 22:30 +0000
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If you're celebrating Hacktoberfest and looking for a friendly introduction to the festivities, come on over to the personalsit.es repo! We'd love to have your contribution, and I'm happy to walk anyone through the open-source flow 💛 github.com/xdesro/persona…henry▘ (@xdesro)Mon, 05 Oct 2020 15:00 +0000
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Your blog doesn’t need my email address. You’re not that special. Especially not via a pop-up asking me to join your newsletter. Get outta here with that. Give me an RSS feed. Email pop ups are a sure fire way to make sure I close your site immediately.Matt Brunt (@Brunty)Sun, 30 Aug 2020 22:28 +0000
A super interesting idea. I've been thinking recently whether I should maybe look at making this site dynamically rendered, but still backed with my site's content being in a Git repo
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Do you have a blog? 🥰 personal website where you write? 🥰 your own lil' corner of the Web? 🥰 lemme see!10.20 (@jackyalcine)Sun, 23 Aug 2020 22:59 +0000
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I did it! I migrated my blog to my own website 🥳 and I wrote a blog post on how I did it (using Eleventy) elletownsend.co.uk/blog/posts/blo…Elle Townsend🌸 (@_elletownsend)Sat, 22 Aug 2020 09:28 +0000
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sneak peek at my website redesign 👀
Moriah Maney (@moriahmaney)Thu, 06 Aug 2020 21:03 +0000
Definitely happy to chat more on Slack / at #HomebrewWebsiteClub if you're able to join, but my recommendation is generally Hugo. Templating / documentation is not the best, especially if you're not used to Go's templating. I moved from Jekyll last year https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/01/04/goodbye-jekyll-hello-hugo/ and have found it a much better experience. It's super quick to build (even for my large multi-purpose site) and has a tonne of stuff built-in to it that makes it fairly batteries included
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yay elletownsend.co.uk 3.0 is LIVE✨😊🎉💫 It now has a dark / light mode toggle, a complete re-brand, and more emphasis on things I'm currently focusing on! Hope you like it, bc I do🙌.Elle Townsend🌸 (@_elletownsend)Fri, 24 Jul 2020 13:12 +0000
I moved from Jekyll to Hugo cause of speed and massively recommend it. It's a bit painful documentation wise / if Go's templating isn't your cup of tea but I could see it being one of the longer running static site generators
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All this isolation has meant I have been able to focus working on some other things I enjoy. I'm working on a little learning project with SwiftUI and I'm going to be documenting things that are useful to know, like ViewBuilders, here: houman.codes/posts/swiftui-…Houman Brinj (@houmanB)Mon, 11 May 2020 19:28 +0000
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I’m about to have a website! 😮
Emma (@foxshaped)Fri, 03 Jul 2020 21:43 +0000
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I'm taking a leap of faith and leaving DEV and Medium to focus on my personal blogging site: compiled.blog Thanks so much to the DEV team for your continued support ♥️ You can join my mailing list for blog updates! dev.to/emmabostian/i-…Emma Bostian 🐞 (@EmmaBostian)Mon, 15 Jun 2020 14:01 +0000
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I'm enjoying doing infinite small fixes to my personal website. Lovely opportunity to experiment or just tune infinitely. #indieweb jj.isgeek.net/2020/05/19-075…Jj (@jjdelc)Wed, 20 May 2020 04:14 +0000
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I really enjoy my personal website - it’s a great way to develop both technical and creative skills, and build up a digital home for projects I’m proud of. Recommend!
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If you're a person in STEM, doing any science at any level - you should create a website to showcase your work. You don't have to wait until you get some degree or title to "qualify" as a scientist or to have a website. #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #phdchatBrittany | STEM Websites (@brttnytrnh)Sun, 03 May 2020 19:08 +0000
Emily Smith (@emilycsmith18)Mon, 04 May 2020 10:36 +0000
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If you're a person in STEM, doing any science at any level - you should create a website to showcase your work. You don't have to wait until you get some degree or title to "qualify" as a scientist or to have a website. #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #phdchatBrittany | STEM Websites (@brttnytrnh)Sun, 03 May 2020 19:08 +0000
My #PersonalWebsite is https://www.jvt.me and as I'm very into owning my own data and being part of the #IndieWeb, I'm replying to this tweet from my website!
Site itself is Hugo and hosted on Netlify
And for folks who've rightfully come out of Pauline Narvas's talk at #WiTNotts wanting to start blogging, there's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham which is every other week (online) and is a great space to put two hours aside to blog / work on your website
It'll be of no surprise to any of you who know me as a #PersonalWebsite and #blogging advocate that I would be very much looking forward to Pauline Narvas's talk at #WiTNotts this Thursday! And as it's remote, hopefully more of you can join!
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This week we're running our first remote #WiTNotts and we'd love to see you there! Webcams at the ready, we've got @paulienuh talking to us about #blogging then we're going to have a little birthday celebration as we turn 4! 🎂🎉🎙️📝🎈 Full details 👉 nott.tech/wit-aprilWomen In Tech, Nottingham 🌈✨ (@WiT_Notts)Mon, 30 Mar 2020 12:16 +0000
I'm using Hugo and Netlify, backed with GitLab CI. Because I own the platform that is my site, I can do funky things like reply to this tweet directly from my website!
I'd thoroughly recommend self hosting - I use Hugo and Netlify for mine and it works really well. It's also got the bonus that because it's my own site and platform that I can use it as I want, such as replying to your tweet from my website
In this 9 minute podcast, Craig Burgess speaks about how he wished he'd got started on his #PersonalWebsite and doing more #blogging early on in his career. Craig also speaks about the #IndieWeb and why everyone should get involved.
This is a great read about the things that being in the https://indieweb.org/ (Independent Web) can empower you with, and the ownership and agency that it affords you.
I'd recommend a read of https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/07/22/why-website/ and https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/10/20/indieweb-talk/ for a bit more info, too.