Some mixed thoughts on The Changelog Podcast Universe (3 mins read).
Some reflections on the bittersweet news about the The Changelog Podcast Universe.
Some mixed thoughts on The Changelog Podcast Universe (3 mins read).
Some reflections on the bittersweet news about the The Changelog Podcast Universe.
I'm on API Evangelist Conversation (1 mins read).
Announcing a podcast appearance with Kin Lane about API Versioning.
I'm on Go Time! (3 mins read).
Announcing my first podcast appearance on Go Time, talking about OpenAPI, oapi-codegen
, versioning, and some fun Unpopular Opinions.
I'm on Cup o' Go! (2 mins read).
Announcing my appearance on Cup o' Go, talking about oapi-codegen
, OpenAPI, working on Open Source and blogging.
I'm on Changelog and Friends! (2 mins read).
Announcing my first podcast appearance on Changelog and Friends, talking about salary history, the IndieWeb, ADHD and dependency-management-data, among other things.
You should listen to The Changelog (5 mins read).
Why you should really be adding The Changelog (and its network of podcasts) to your rotation of tech podcasts.
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