Tag python
Creating a Neovim plugin for my standup updates (3 mins read).

Documenting some of my thoughts about writing a (Python) Neovim plugin.
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A PyPI to PKGBUILD converter. Contribute to anntzer/pypi2pkgbuild development by creating an account on GitHub.
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Seth Michael Larson pointed out that the Python gzip module can be used as a CLI tool like this:

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caitlin (@0x26d)Wed, 12 May 2021 04:27 +0000
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Thanks Guido. That's very flattering. I'm still a little unclear as to what it is but congratulations and well done.
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Hi @EricIdle, author of said "Python" software here. It's open source, which means it's free. It's been 31 years since I chose the name and I'm still a fan of your work! It's "very nice". Many folks working with me in the early days shared my appreciation.
Guido van Rossum (@gvanrossum)Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:22 GMT
Eric Idle (@EricIdle)Sat, 30 Jan 2021 01:20 GMT
Minifying JSON with Python (1 mins read).

How to take a pretty-printed JSON string and replace it with a minifed JSON string using Python.
Pretty Printing JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) on the Command Line using OpenSSL (3 mins read).

How to easily introspect a JWT on the command line using OpenSSL and optionally Python for real pretty-printing.
Executing an Interactive Python Shell (REPL) for a Script (1 mins read).

Using python -i
to get an interactive REPL after running a Python source file.
Pretty Printing JSON on the Command Line with Python (2 mins read).
Using Python's JSON module to pretty print JSON objects from the command line.
glances, a top
and htop
replacement (1 mins read).

I share the tool I have been using for system utilisation and monitoring, glances
Introduction to Python Programming - Session 5 Catchup (8 mins read).

Lists, Tuples and Zombies.
Introduction to Python Programming - Session 4 Catchup (14 mins read).

Adding a menu and the ability to save history with our calculator
Introduction to Python Programming - Session 3 Catchup (8 mins read).

Don't Repeat Yourself - use functions!
Introduction to Python Programming - Session 2 Catchup (7 mins read).

A catchup post for those who either missed, or just want to recap, our second Introduction to Python Programming session.
Introduction to Python Programming - Session 1 Catchup (7 mins read).

Missed our first 'Intro to Python Programming' session? We've got you covered.
Introduction to Python Programming (2 mins read).

Our Introduction to Python Programming sessions start on Tuesday 13th October!
You're currently viewing page 1 of 1, of 24 posts.