Tag rss
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Web feeds could be so much more if we put some effort into them. This post explores some ideas of how to start.
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You know what doesn't get *any* spam? My RSS reader…
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Remember folks, if it doesn’t have an RSS feed, it’s not a blog, it’s just a sparkling personal website. 🌈 💫 #theMoreYouKnow
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Back in the early days of blogging, the tech press bashed RSS out of existence as it was supposedly too complex for ordinary users. To th...
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A beautiful program to read your RSS/Atom feeds right in the terminal! - GitHub - TypicalAM/goread: A beautiful program to read your RSS/Atom feeds right in the terminal!
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A quick experience report with using an RSS reader for a week. Overall, I'm happy with how things are turning out, but I have a lot of gripes.
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Decide exactly what you want to read and escape the social media algorithms. How an old protocol called RSS can give you back the autonomy about what you read.
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Mixed laterality since 1968
Automagically determining feeds provided for a given URL on the command-line (1 mins read).
Creating a command-line application to discover feeds for a given URL.
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any time someone smugly goes "RSS didn't die"
cube drone (@cube_drone)Sun, 28 Nov 2021 07:10 GMT
Make Your RSS Feed Discoverable (1 mins read).
Why and how you should make it possible to automagically discover your feed(s).
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Sometimes I feel like you could pitch re-branded RSS as a hot new startup. ✨ It's a site ✨ where you read other sites/newsletters ✨ with zero bullshit ✨Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier)Fri, 26 Feb 2021 17:28 GMT
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I hadn't used respond_to format.atom in Rails for years. BUT WE'RE BRINGING SEXY BACK! 🤘
DHH (@dhh)Thu, 18 Feb 2021 14:59 GMT
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I'm glad it took 10 years to monetize RSS feeds and in the meantime we replaced them with disfunctional social networks that destroyed what remained of democracy and enabled global rise of fascism. Ah!
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Substack is building a reader app for newsletters theverge.com/2020/12/8/2216…The Verge (@verge)Tue, 08 Dec 2020 14:16 GMT
Vlado Vince (@mejs)Tue, 08 Dec 2020 14:27 GMT
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What if, instead of creating AMP, Google used the site's RSS feed to render a lite version of the page using some kind of RSS reading web app…
Jake Archibald (@jaffathecake)Wed, 22 Jul 2020 11:04 +0000
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Increasingly finding technical blogs without RSS feeds, while not fancy tech it really aid at least me seeing your content. I want to become your subscriber. So when your statically deploying your fancy jamstack blogs, consider including an RSS feed maybe?Tim Nash (@tnash)Wed, 24 Jun 2020 08:33 +0000
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A few people have asked me about my RSS feed not working, I think the issue has been fixed now! If it doesn't - let me know 😊 Add the link below to your RSS feed woo! pawlean.com/feed/Pauline P. Narvas (@paulienuh)Sun, 14 Jun 2020 14:03 +0000
I'm quite heavily into the IndieWeb movement, in which we've designed a new standard Microsub which allows for a slightly better API than "regular" RSS/Atom readers, as it allows for you to use different feed formats on the backend. It also splits between the client and the server quite nicely, so I can use Indigenous for Android when on the move, and Monocle when I'm on the desktop. The best thing about the standard, aside from allowing extensible feed parsing, is that I can use different clients to read it, instead of relying on a single provider - which I believe we've seen with some of the RSS/Atom readers around currently.
The server I use is Aperture, built and run by Aaron Parecki, and I subscribe to a mix of RSS/Atom, JSON Feed and Microformats2 feeds
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