Generating a JSON Web Key (JWK) With Ruby (1 mins read).

How to create a new JWK with Ruby.
Generating a JSON Web Key (JWK) With Ruby (1 mins read).
How to create a new JWK with Ruby.
I do wish Ruby was the browsers embedded language tho
Adam Jacob (@adamhjk)Mon, 30 Nov 2020 03:45 GMT
Did you know that Rake will show just the first sentence of task documentation in -T output, and all of it in -D output?
Avdi Grimm (@avdi)Wed, 07 Oct 2020 17:28 +0000
Creating Signed JOSE Objects with Ruby (1 mins read).
How to use ruby-jose
to create a signed JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) object on the command-line.
Sorting a Hash Recursively with Ruby (1 mins read).
How to sort a Hash
in Ruby recursively, when nested Array
I very much recommend learning how to use a more well-structured scripting language than Bash, as languages such as Ruby have a great standard library, a huge ecosystem of other libraries, and are commonly installed across machines - this is a great look at partially replacing shell scripts with Ruby
Converting a Byte Array to a String in Ruby (1 mins read).
How to convert an array of bytes to a String with Ruby.
Generating the Client Assertion JWT for private_key_jwt
Authentication with Ruby (1 mins read).
A helper script to generate the client assertion required to authenticate to an Authorization Server that supports private_key_jwt
, on the command-line with Ruby.
Verifying Signed JWTs (JWS) with Ruby (2 mins read).
Using the ruby-jwt library to verify a signed JSON Web Token (JWS) on the command-line.
Creating Signed JWTs (JWS) with Ruby (1 mins read).
Using the json-jwt and ruby-jwt libraries to sign a JSON Web Token on the command-line.
Generating JWK Thumbprints with Ruby (1 mins read).
How to generate JWK thumbprints with Ruby.
Extracting x5c
s from a JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) to PEM files with Ruby (1 mins read).
How to extract the full chain of certificates from a JWKS' x5c
parameter to files.
Converting a Ruby Hash to a String (1 mins read).
The ways that we can convert a Hash to a String with Ruby.
Converting an x5c
from a JSON Web Key to a PEM with Ruby (1 mins read).
How to convert a JWK's x5c
to a PEM-formatted certificate with Ruby.
Parsing a Unix Epoch With Bash/Ruby on the Command-Line (1 mins read).
How to convert a Unix Epoch to a human-readable date format.
Some interesting ones in here I'll look at using - escaping things is one of my biggest gripes with every language, so this is pretty nice
Trusting Self-Signed Certificates from Ruby (1 mins read).
How to configure Ruby to trust self-signed certificates.
Pretty Printing YAML with the Ruby Command-Line (1 mins read).
Using Ruby's YAML
library to pretty-print YAML files from the command-line.
Minifying JSON with Ruby (1 mins read).
How to take a pretty-printed JSON string and replace it with a minifed JSON string using Ruby.
Converting Ruby Hash keys to Strings/Symbols (2 mins read).
How to recursively convert a Ruby Hash's keys to a String / Symbol.
Merging an 'Override' Ruby Hash into the Original Hash (6 mins read).
How to use Ruby to merge two hashes with nested arrays of hashes, with the second hash overriding values from the first.
Easily Parsing Failed Cucumber Scenarios from the JSON Report (2 mins read).
How to parse a Cucumber JSON report to display the failed scenarios and their causes.
Pretty Printing JSON Files Inline on the Command Line (2 mins read).
How to rewrite multiple JSON files inline on the Command Line.
URL Decoding with Ruby on the Command Line (1 mins read).
How to use Ruby's standard library to decode URLs with a handy one-liner.
Pretty Printing JSON with Ruby (1 mins read).
Using Kernel.jj
to pretty print Ruby objects as JSON objects.
Pretty Printing JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) on the Command Line using Ruby (3 mins read).
How to easily introspect and pretty print a signed JWT (JWS) or an encrypted JWT (JWE) on the command line using Ruby's standard library, or using the ruby-jwt external library.
Pretty Printing JSON on the Command Line with Ruby (1 mins read).
Using Ruby's JSON module to pretty print JSON objects from the command line.
Morsels of Goodness: What's Cooking in Chef 14? (5 mins read).
A look at the new features coming in the new Chef 14 release, as well as what to watch out for when upgrading.
Bundling Common Rake Tasks into a Gem (8 mins read).
An example of how to create a helper gem for common Rake task, using the real-world example of Chef cookbooks.
Verify a Ruby Class Method is Called with Arguments in Rspec, Without Doubles or Mocks (1 mins read).
Rspec code to verify that a Ruby Class Method is called from another method, without needing to mock anything.
Converting YAML to JSON and vice versa (Part 1 - Ruby) (2 mins read).
Coerce YAML to JSON and vice versa, from the comfort of your Gem-studded command line.
You're currently viewing page 2 of 2, of 95 posts.