Tag security
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Tell us a cybersecurity horror story in 6 words.
Sophos (@Sophos)Wed, 03 Mar 2021 12:00 GMT
Matt Brunt (@Brunty)Sun, 07 Mar 2021 12:22 GMT
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If it is this difficult to convince people to put a piece of fabric over their faces to prevent the transmission of disease so they don’t die or kill others… the outlook on getting humans to do all of those abstract, fiddly cybersecurity things required to be safe online is ☠️
Jessy Irwin ✨ (@jessysaurusrex)Fri, 05 Mar 2021 21:09 GMT
Encrypting and Decrypting Text with OpenSSL (2 mins read).
How to use openssl
to encrypt text with a shared passphrase.
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If an intern has the access and authority to make a mistake so critical that it pwns your org and all of your users, the fault is with leadership and everyone else upstream from that intern. The intern deserves an apology for being put in that position at all, not public shame.
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Current and former top executives at SolarWinds are blaming a company intern for a critical lapse in password security that apparently went undiagnosed for years. The password in question, "solarwinds123," was discovered in 2019 on the public internet. cnn.it/3pWdZqxCNN (@CNN)Fri, 26 Feb 2021 23:35 GMT
Kat Cosgrove (@Dixie3Flatline)Sat, 27 Feb 2021 05:07 GMT
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TIL that you no longer have to write <a target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”> to make external links secure! The HTML standard was changed in 2019 so that rel=“noopener” is always implied: github.com/whatwg/html/pu… thanks to the @jaffathecake and @DasSurma’s podcast for this tidbit!shawn swyx wang (@swyx)Thu, 28 Jan 2021 10:51 GMT
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Well this is a new one
Rachel McConnell (@Minette_78)Tue, 26 Jan 2021 15:00 GMT
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when you've forgotten your password
Stevie Martin (@5tevieM)Fri, 22 Jan 2021 20:32 GMT
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WHAT. A Dutch researcher managed to log into @realDonaldTrump's Twitter account by guessing his password ("maga2020"), which had no 2-step verification. volkskrant.nl/nieuws-achterg…Charles Lister (@Charles_Lister)Thu, 22 Oct 2020 14:27 +0000
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Well, _now_ it's a weak password.
Nathan "a specific and L.imited Way" Walls (@base10)Mon, 21 Sep 2020 19:39 +0000
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This is really insightful. I've frequently run into exactly the same problem. Once the online tool is the only way somone knows to validate a secure token they will be more inclined to use it for sensitive data in a pinch
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New blog post: Why I Actively Discourage Online Tooling like jwt.io and Online JSON Validators jvt.me/posts/2020/09/… (jvt.me/mf2/2020/09/ae…)Jamie Tanna | www.jvt.me (@JamieTanna)Tue, 01 Sep 2020 14:49 +0000
Andy March (@AndyMarch)Wed, 02 Sep 2020 12:57 +0000
Why I Actively Discourage Online Tooling like jwt.io
and Online JSON Validators (5 mins read).

Why you should be opting for local tooling when working with sensitive data, even Non-Production ones.
Not sure how I feel with such a single point of failure, but an interesting idea nonetheless!
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Found this on Reddit
Jackie! ✨ #FullStackInfosec (@find_evil)Wed, 22 Jul 2020 21:45 +0000
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This has got to be one of the laziest phish I've ever seen.
alissa (@dnsprincess)Thu, 16 Jul 2020 22:05 +0000
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I think it's super sweet that people are surprised the recent Twitter security incident was used to inflict relatively little damage. What if I told you that's how most AppSec exploits are used? I once watched a user get admin rights on a system and use it to reset her own pw
Rebecca Deck (@ranger_cha)Thu, 16 Jul 2020 13:04 +0000
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Virgin Mobile have an "interesting" approach to online account security. 📋 Can't paste in a password. 🔢 10 characters only. 🔣 No special characters. 🔤 *Must* start with a letter! I understand (but don't agree with) all the restrictions except the last one. What's that about?Terence Eden (@edent)Mon, 13 Jul 2020 10:04 +0000
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private byte[] generatePrivateKey() { byte[] bArr = new byte[32]; Sodium.randombytes(bArr, bArr.length); Util.logByteArray(bArr); return bArr; } ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING MEMatthew Garrett (@mjg59)Tue, 07 Jul 2020 08:56 +0000
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Hackers, can we all just take a moment to imagine the back end that must have existed to let something like this happen twitter.com/stowydad/statu…Post details
Minnesota Senate and some state agency web sites hacked. #mnlegBrian Bakst (@Stowydad)Tue, 02 Jun 2020 23:10 +0000
Ian Coldwater 📦💥 (@IanColdwater)Tue, 02 Jun 2020 23:21 +0000
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"If your computer has a Thunderbolt port, an attacker who gets brief physical access to it can read and copy all your data, even if your drive is encrypted and your computer is locked or set to sleep." tl;dr: stop using computers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ thunderspy.ioMattias Geniar (@mattiasgeniar)Mon, 11 May 2020 07:17 +0000