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hey everyone did you know you can try slack pro for free?
Ouch. A large OpenStreetMap group has been using a proprietary chat platform as a community space for ~10 yrs. Now they gotta pay a $80k/yr (or $10k??) for usage. 🤯😱😢 Slack (now Salesforce) now wants to charge @OpenStreetMapUS for all ~6k users on their server. 😢😢 Ouch. This sort of bait & switch is why open, community owned platforms (like this!) are vital! read more on the slack (while you still can??!): #OpenStreetMap #OSM #FreeSoftware #Cassandra
Attached: 1 image Well I can't unsee that. EDIT: Thanks for all the interactions! If you have some spare cash, please donate to my friends in Maui recovering from a wildfire:
I've given it a lot of time now, and for the record, I still despise the @SlackHQ interface changes. They have taken what used to be at-a-glance or at most 1-click and made it all 3-4 clicks and difficult to find. For no purpose other than "we could". 0 ⭐️ Do not recommend
The new Slack UI still pisses me off daily!
I still hate the new Slack UI.
Did #slack get rid of the ability to customise theme by Hex Code? Weirdly I can click "share" and get a copy of the hexcodes, but there's nowhere to set new ones that I can see? Every day Slack works further away from the independent non-corporate vibe we all used to appreciate.
Slack tip: ⌘⇧S (command shift s) expands the workplace switcher to a dedicated column. Allows you to see which workspace has new activity without needing to tap to expand the list first. h/t #Slack #proTip
What the hell are Slack playing at? Do they not use their own product?
Setting up real-time Slack notifications for GitHub (1 mins read).
How to get Slack's real-time notifications integrated with GitHub.
Does this Slack Webhook still work? (1 mins read).
How to check if a Slack Webhook is still active.
I just remembered Slack supports sed-like syntax to edit a message. 🤯 For instance: /s/great/amazing/ would replace the word “great” by “amazing” in the last message. 🔥Kitty Giraudel (@KittyGiraudel)Thu, 03 Nov 2022 14:48 GMT
Automagically determining feeds provided for a given URL on the command-line (1 mins read).
Creating a command-line application to discover feeds for a given URL.
Hello police, I'd like to report a slack crime
Carolyn Stransky (@carolstran)Wed, 02 Feb 2022 14:00 GMT
Did you try the new huddle feature on @SlackHQ to get on a quick voice chat with someone? if they don't show up after a while, Slack plays a waiting music 🤣Nicolas Grenié (@picsoung)Wed, 02 Feb 2022 21:33 GMT
TIL that if you hit @SlackHQ's conversations.create API fast enough you can create multiple Slack channels with the same name before the uniqueness validation kicks inWillman (@willmanduffy)Tue, 01 Feb 2022 21:50 GMT
We’ve got a Slack channel for everything at Monzo. To name a few, there’s the important ones like ‘Diversity & Inclusion,’ ‘Announcements’ and one literally called ‘Important.’
Making Monzo (@MakingMonzo)Tue, 11 Jan 2022 11:53 GMT
Don’t forget the new emoji channel, which pings every time someone creates a new slack emoji
Sophie Koonin (@type__error)Tue, 11 Jan 2022 18:24 GMT
Few people understand that Twitter is the general Slack channel for everyone in tech.
Anna Gát 🧭 Miami/NYC (Jan10-Feb7) (@TheAnnaGat)Sun, 02 Jan 2022 17:21 GMT
An interesting read - I'm not quite sure about everything, but there's some good stuff in here, and it's good to have a fresh perspective
This is one of my pet peeves. I understand Slack doesn't really want free Slacks to exist, but having them be so bad harms the brand in general. Like I associate Slack with screwing over communities.
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The thread notifications in an unpaid Slack where the responses are behind the paywall and you can never clear it
Melissa McEwen (@melissamcewen)Thu, 18 Nov 2021 21:09 GMT
Melissa McEwen (@melissamcewen)Thu, 18 Nov 2021 22:21 GMT
It’s worth noting this works only at the highest enterprise tier. And even then only via data dump API call not in the app (last I knew). Still important for people to know of course but don’t want to scare anyone unduly!
Alex Hidalgo (@ahidalgosre)Fri, 26 Feb 2021 22:56 GMT
doing an @ everyone in a slack channel with over 5000 people should be grounds for having your hard drive confiscated tbh
Stevie Buckley (@StevieBuckley)Tue, 20 Oct 2020 19:10 +0000
Usually I send nudge messages to tell people, but I like this idea way more 😂
Slack really needs a feature where when someone posts (at)channel, it just shuts their PC down for a little while so they can think about what they've done
Richard Davies (@rwdrich)Tue, 28 Jul 2020 14:15 +0000
⁉️ Did you know there's a string replace slash command in @SlackHQ? /s/find/replaceElijah Manor (@elijahmanor)Mon, 06 Apr 2020 17:13 +0000
Hacksoc Slack - Inclusive Communication (3 mins read).
Introducing yet another communication platform to use!
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