How can we assume that the layperson can say that they knowingly "opt in" to terms of service when they're incomprehensible, some great points in @KrishBhasin's talk at #TechNott tonight about the privacy implications of online advertising
Tag tech-nottingham
Really interesting talk at #TechNott about high performing teams and building safety culture. I'm a huge fan of this, and embracing blameless culture, and now I've got some new tips to apply to it, too! Thanks @tom_geraghty
@tom_geraghty is sharing some interesting learnings about high performing teams at tonight's #TechNott
There certainly are a few #CapitalOne folks here at #TechNott, even though you can't see me waving behind the pillar. Come say hi to talk about some of the jobs we've got at
Very much looking forward to tonight's #TechNott, not least because it'll be the first meetup I'm owning every interaction first from my website in #IndieWeb fashion, as well as converting hashtags to tags on the posts themselves!
I will be attending
I will be attending
I will be attending
I will be attending
Tech Nottingham April (5 mins read).

A recap of Tech Nottingham's April meetup.
You're currently viewing page 3 of 3, of 111 posts.