Server-less Wiremock, or Using Wiremock Without an HTTP Server (3 mins read).

How to match Wiremock's stubs without running an HTTP Server.
Server-less Wiremock, or Using Wiremock Without an HTTP Server (3 mins read).
How to match Wiremock's stubs without running an HTTP Server.
Adding API Versioning to your Environment-Agnostic Functional Acceptance Tests (6 mins read).
How to adapt the Proxy pattern to allow for testing against a versioned API.
Speeding Up Gradle Executions with Parallelisation (2 mins read).
How to make your Gradle builds faster, by taking advantage of parallelisation.
Testing Time with Java (4 mins read).
How to make your Java tests better when dealing with java.util.time
Don't trust a test you've never seen fail π
Angie Jones (@techgirl1908)Thu, 21 Jan 2021 16:11 GMT
Writing Environment-Agnostic Functional Acceptance Tests (7 mins read).
How to structure your (Java) functional acceptance tests to make it easier to add environment-specific configuration.
my integration tests @ me
Tess Rinearson (@_tessr)Sat, 16 Jan 2021 13:47 GMT
This is something I strive quite hard to ensure, using tools like html-proofer and comparing against old sitemaps when I change things considerably with my site. It's also something that is quite infuriating when following links to a site that has now rewritten their URLs, so I've learned from that too!
Unit Testing Auth0 Rules (8 mins read).
How to write unit tests for your Auth0 Rules, without running it on an Auth0 tenant.
Roy van Rijn (@royvanrijn)Fri, 25 Sep 2020 06:05 +0000
the only thing worse than maintaining tests is not having tests
Gary Bernhardt (@garybernhardt)Tue, 14 Jul 2020 17:00 +0000
Developers would be an embarrassment without testers
Sophie Koonin (@type__error)Thu, 04 Jun 2020 16:41 +0000
"I don't have time to write tests". Do you have time to: 1. Run the app manually after each change 2. Investigate and fix broken builds 3. Investigate and fix QA errors 4. Investigate and fix production errors Add all that up. Writing automated tests *saves* time.Cory House (@housecor)Sat, 09 May 2020 12:03 +0000
This is a great resource I've used in the past for learning how best to approach automation testing with a website.
DevOpsDays London 2019 (63 mins read).
A writeup of the DevOpsDays London conference, and the talks and Open Spaces I attended.
Testing Your SLF4J Logs (2 mins read).
Looking at how we would unit test our SLF4J logs to gain confidence they work, and to catch regressions in the future.
This post has definitely helped my recent scenario writing, and helped to shape the readability (and purpose) of the Cucumber testing I've been doing.
Notts Techfast: What do testers even do all day? (6 mins read).
A writeup and some thoughts about Dan Caseley's talk at Notts Techfast.
Prettier HTML Reports for Cucumber-JVM (2 mins read).
How to generate prettier HTML reports for Cucumber with cucumber-reporting
and cucumber-reporting-plugin
, with and without Jenkins.
TYKJS Middleware Gotcha When Base 64 Decoding Data (3 mins read).
How to workaround the Failed to base64 decode: illegal base64 data at input byte
error when trying to use b64dec
in TYKJS middleware.
Unit Testing Your TYK (TYKJS) Middleware (6 mins read).
Writing unit tests (in this case using Jasmine) for the TYK API Gateway's JavaScript middleware functionality.
Creating a versionable, self-contained (fat-/uber-) JAR for Gatling tests (17 mins read).
Why you'd want a fat JAR for your Gatling tests and how you'd achieve it.
Why You Should Be Unit Testing Your Functional Acceptance Tests (7 mins read).
A few reasons explaining why you should be writing unit tests for your functional tests.
Revert 'Some knowledge-sharing news' (5 mins read).
The unfortunate decision to cancel my Packt training courses.
DevOpsDays London 2018 (51 mins read).
My writeup of my first DevOpsDays conference, and the awesome talks and conversations I was part of.
Test-Driven Chef Cookbook Development Using ChefSpec (and a sprinkling of InSpec) (39 mins read).
Using the example of deploying and running a Java JAR file as a way to show the lifecycle of a fully test-driven Chef cookbook.
Creating a versionable, self-contained (fat-/uber-) JAR for Cucumber tests (11 mins read).
Why you'd want a fat JAR and how you'd achieve it.
Some exciting job and knowledge-sharing news (4 mins read).
Moving into Quality Engineering, publishing Chef training courses, conference speaking about Chef at OggCamp and the complex mess that is this very static website at DevOpsDays London.
Verify a Ruby Class Method is Called with Arguments in Rspec, Without Doubles or Mocks (1 mins read).
Rspec code to verify that a Ruby Class Method is called from another method, without needing to mock anything.
Testing Chef's ruby_block
s with ChefSpec (3 mins read).
Testing implementation of a ruby_block
in ChefSpec, to ensure that the code executes as expected.
You're currently viewing page 2 of 2, of 88 posts.