Goodbye Jekyll, Hello Hugo! (5 mins read).

My move from Jekyll to super speedy Hugo, and what I've needed to do to migrate.
Goodbye Jekyll, Hello Hugo! (5 mins read).
My move from Jekyll to super speedy Hugo, and what I've needed to do to migrate.
Creating Microservices for my Static Website (2 mins read).
Exploring moving data out of my site's remit and into its own 'microservices' which can be consumed at build-time, as well as via client-side JavaScript.
My editorial workflow for blog posts (8 mins read).
Taking you through the journey I go on when writing blog posts, from ideation to publishing the post.
2017 in Review (68 mins read).
A look back over the awesome (and not so awesome) things that happened in 2017, and a look forward to what 2018 holds.
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