Week Notes 23#36

  • Got National Grid round to sort our earth connection, so hopefully Octopus can come back again to fit a smart meter
  • Fly.io must have had a bad deploy or similar as I couldn't log in or deploy, but glad to see they recovered quickly
  • Was my X-School at Elastic, which is our monthly onboarding cohort, which gave us more depth to the company, we got to hear from Shay Banon (co-founder, CTO) and Ashutosh Kulkarni (CEO), and got a chance to have breakout groups with some folks from all over the company which was cool
  • Shipped better Dependabot + SBOM support for dependency-management-data
  • Was happy to have my slides finished ahead of DevOpsDays London in a couple of weeks, although I need to update them again now I've added SBOM support
  • Spent a chunk of one day digging into making it possible to get a validator for Backstage configuration in CI - using the same configuration as we use for yaml-language-server - before finding yaml-ls-check πŸ‘
  • Yesterday was two years to the day of me posting my salary and my post about it has got some good visibility
  • Got a release out for Job DSL after a request to get it shipped, which is the first time in a while - as thankfully Basil's been doing excellent work on it
  • Dave and Faye got their own dog, Jasper πŸ₯Ί
  • Had a nice walk around Bestwood Country Park lake with Carol and Juno, although we weren't prepared for it to get dark so early πŸ˜…
  • Rakki Rakkas takeaway afterwards was very good πŸ˜‹
  • Had a nice walk round Blidworth Woods on Saturday, luckily avoiding the heat aside from a little scorching stretch
    • As we arrived a couple of dogs jumped out of someone's car and were racing around causing chaos, but luckily nothing went wrong and they got caught before long
  • Been fun spending time with Morph in his tree, who's extra meowy, likes rubbing his head against it, and being crabby when I (playfully) tried to poke him with a small stick
  • Got Asda pizza πŸ˜‹
  • Got some new Forthglade biscuits, but Cookie didn't wanna eat them until Morph came over to try and eat them πŸ˜…
  • Been pretty toasty this week πŸ₯΅ Especially overnight, and we've needed the fans on
  • Cookie was so sleepy today that she's been trying to lick her biscuits out of her biccie ball πŸ₯°
  • All the long walks and the heat this weekend has finally meant we've had an evening without Cookie barking at us - not super sustainable though πŸ˜…


  • Parks and Recreation
  • Edge of Tomorrow
  • Cinema Sins (on YouTube)
  • Ahsoka
  • Girls5Eva

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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