Week Notes 23#40

  • Been enjoying catching up on various Star Wars subreddits' memes, which has been fun, especially before and after the finale of Ahsoka
  • Could hear the noise from Goose Fair through the extractor fan the other night while cooking
  • Cookie got spayed
    • We were glad this went ahead given when we tried two months ago she wasn't able to get done
    • Thankfully they also clipped her claws while she was under, so she's in a much better place
    • She's not been enjoying wearing the doughnut ring around her neck to stop her from licking
    • She got stuck under the table a couple of times as she's not been able to get herself out with her ring on
    • Cookie got stuck under table
    • Morph's been scared of her ring, which Anna describes as making her look like a demigorgon from Stranger Things 😹
    • Cookie's been finding it harder to go to the loo for the first couple of days, which has meant a lot of time hanging outside with her
    • Cookie came to sit on my lap a couple of times as she couldn't get comfy anywhere else πŸ₯Ί
    • She's got this little run she does when she gets an itch which is very cute, and a little like she's possessed
    • Cookie wanted me to carry her up and down the stairs a few times as she didn't feel comfortable walking πŸ₯Ί
    • Lost all of her trust in us one night after we tried to swap the ring with a cone, and she spent the rest of the evening hiding behind the sofa 🫣
    • She's been finding it hard to get up onto the bed, even with various stools for her to jump up onto
    • She's been a little overtired most days as she's finding it hard to get the right positions to be comfy, so isn't getting as good a sleep as she could be
    • While she was out on Wednesday, we had some nice cuddles with Morph and reminded him that it is nice for him to spend time with us, and we'll be working on getting him to spend time with us over this winter
  • You'll see a new on call pay transparency in the coming week 🀞, just confirming what I'm allowed to share before I post it
  • It was DDD East Midlands on Saturday which was good!
    • Was a good conference, some great talks, food and people
    • It's a shame that Jess and Moreton will be stepping down as organisers, but they've run some great years πŸ‘
    • Was a shame that Anna wasn't able to join, as Cookie needed company
    • My talk went well, and I had several people come and speak to me afterwards which was nice!
    • On the way home a rather drunk person asked me what my website did, which is funny cause I rarely do get anyone actually asking me about it
    • Published three posts this week - two tangents from my talk, and then the actual talk writeup - which took a lot of mental energy, more than they usually would do, and I found it quite difficult prepping for the talk. Not sure if it was all the other things going on the last couple of weeks, but trying to be "creative" with prepping the talk was very difficult, but glad that I got a good talk out about it in the end, and folks found it useful and good
    • Nice to see a lot of old friends, as well as meet some new folks too
    • Was nice to have a chilled dinner + drink afterwards, I thought I'd be a bit too tired, but glad I went as I found it was really nice
  • I'm definitely shattered today after this week πŸ₯±
  • Today's been a bit of a no-op rest day, and although I've done a little bit of stuff using my brain, I've tried to not push myself, which is progress
  • Eagerly awaiting Carol's recommendations page on her website πŸ‘€
  • Was sorry to hear about Vittorio Bertocci's death - although I didn't know him personally, I've been inspired and affected by his work before
  • Had a bit of headspace today to start sorting through the chaos of my desk, which has made me feel better

In dependency-management-data:

  • Made a massive performance increase with renovate-graph by using Renovate's local platform, resulting in ~4x improvement in extraction time, and will be blogging about it in the next few days - I'd not had a chance to get round to it with the DDDEM prep. Also enjoying the "should I share this, or keep this as a competitive advantage for running my own service", but thinking I want to be sharing as much as possible
  • Resisted / forced myself doing too much with it this week as my brainpower needed to go into my DDD talk


  • Apex Legends as usual
  • Bowser's Fury as a low-energy, low brainpower thing this afternoon


  • Ahsoka
    • Felt like the end of the season came very quickly, and thought we still had two episodes left - it kinda felt like a season finale at times, but also was wondering if they were setting up a final two-parter - they were not πŸ˜…
  • Schitt's Creek
    • Such a nice ending πŸ₯°
  • Loki
    • Cookie enjoyed spending a lot of us watching it this evening by barking at us πŸ˜…
  • Beckham
  • Scrubs

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