Week Notes 24#27

A lovely and very restorative week off for Anna's birthday

  • We didn't get as much done around the house as we'd hoped, but we ended up really switching off and having a lot of nice time on the sofa together with a mix of fur babies
    • Got a lot of Ratchet and Clank and New Amsterdam in
  • Finally got around to some work I've been doing with Speakeasy around their SDKs (for Go) which also gave me a lot of ideas for oapi-codegen
  • Google Home Android app's TV controls have suddenly gone really crap, meaning I can't control it at all 😠
  • My work brain was thankfully very switched off - I had one calendar update on my mind for a few days, but thankfully I'd left everything else well handed over and in a good place (and it's only a week being off) so I wasn't super concerned
    • But I am looking forward to getting back to things tomorrow - I feel refreshed, and although I think it'll be tough going back to a busy week, hopefully should be good
  • On Monday, wrote two very meta blog posts:
  • Had a lovely overnight stay at Ragdale Hall spa for Anna's birthday
  • Plus a super yum and authentic PizzamisΓΊ on Anna's birthday, before I drove us over to the spa
    • My first fast A-roads and was mostly OK - but included a bit of a heart rate jump when a van pulled over suddenly into a lay-by, and coming off the road (at 70) onto a very short slip road with a sharp bend 😬 but made it there and back
  • On my second treatment (Clarins Beauty Sleep Massage) I ended up falling asleep a little bit 🫣 Kept spluttering awake, but was reminded it's kinda ideal with that treatment
  • It was a good stay, but I'd say that Hoar Cross Hall is my preference
  • Definitely having the Mandella Effect around Buzz Blades in Ratchet And Clank - I was sure that they existed in the original games, but turns out the first time I saw them was Ratchet And Clank (2016)
  • At Bestwood Mill Lakes we saw the crabby cat on the corner house again - which was especially crabby and came swiping for Cookie πŸ˜… In the cat's defence, Cookie always makes faces at them, and that day opened her mouth to start barking at the cat and the cat was not having it 🫣 Luckily managed to get in between them and then move Cookie away before it got spicy 😬
  • With Cookie away at Anna's parents, we had a lot of Morph time - he was an absolute living room fiend, running over to the (closed) double doors every time we came in, or went near the room, and we had a lot of lovely cuddles, and reminded ourselves of how nice it used to be with him πŸ₯° and vice versa
  • Was nice to have Cookie back after a few days away, - she'd had a good time and was good for Anna's parents - and she's been mostly sleepy since she's been home, although wants to make sure we've not forgotten how sometimes she can be annoying πŸ˜…
  • Had a cheeky Nandos πŸ˜‹
  • It was the general election and a very loud πŸ“’ Fuck the Tories πŸ“’ and an encouraging first look at a pretty good Cabinet, with people who know the work
  • Had a very good Rakki Rakkas, and even got a handshake from one of the owners when he saw me 😏
  • Been enjoying reading /r/StarWars a lot this week
  • Did do some bits and pieces of house things this week
  • Had Backwaters - polaroit on replay a lot

In dependency-management-data:

  • As someone who thrives under deadline pressure (read: my ADHD sometimes needs a deadline to do anything) I've been rushing over the weekend to get a big release out for dependency-management-data - v0.100.0 😱
    • This is actually my 158th overall release!
  • As I hit 1000 blog posts, I thought I should also try and have this week be the 0.100.0 release of DMD to line up
  • I'm very happy for my integration tests which gave me a lot more confidence in doing a considerable breaking change around how SBOMs are used, but should make a huge quality of life improvement for folks using dependency-management-data with SBOMs, especially if those SBOMs aren't directly linked to the source repo they come from. More on the blog tomorrow
  • This is also something I've been kinda working on for ~3 months on-and-off before realising it's hard and pushing it back to another time 😹
  • Started the process of - finally - getting a Mastodon bot account to announce releases from
  • Looking to get a CHANGELOG.md published (including some retrospective data) as it's probably a bit easier than looking through each of the releases between versions

In renovate-graph, found a couple of folks using it:


  • Apex Legends
  • Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters
  • Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction


  • The Acolyte
  • New Amsterdam

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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