Week Notes 24#30

  • Still a bit sleepy on Monday from my longest drive so far
  • A busy week working towards the Renovate rollout in the next week and a bit, writing lots of (IMO good) documentation, and working to make sure we have the right monitoring and alerting 🀞🏼
  • Met Carol for dinner at Rudy's for a nice catchup and great pizza πŸ•πŸ˜‹
    • It must've been a graduation day, as there were lots of well dressed uni-age-folk with what looked like their family members
    • Cookie did well on her own, which was good
  • Morph got the tray the salmon (we've been having with scrambled eggs) came in, and was very happy
    • Cookie less so 😹
  • If I don't end up being a speaker at GitHub Universe (should find out in the next week 🀞🏼) I may be able to go as an Elastic person, as a big Enterprise customer
  • The gardeners came and the front looks so much brighter now they've tidied the chaos πŸ‘πŸΌ
  • Been having a number of really bad sets of WiFi at the moment based on the Google Nest WiFi in my office - I've had to restart it several times in the last couple of weeks 😞 And one day, the internet was excruciating and it turns out it was because my work laptop was somehow only on WiFi, and it just so happened to be a time I'd turned off my office WiFi for a couple of hours
  • Had a nice walk around Mapperley Park this afternoon to see what was being sold in support for the Cat Patrol cat sanctuary
  • Got somewhat nerd sniped by Changelog + Friends' discussion on TUIs, in particular whether I could write a Charm-based TUI for keeping an eye on my Matomo stats πŸ‘€
    • Haven't actually played around with it at all, but it's something on the backburner possibly
  • This morning it was a bit chilly in the conservatory while we had breakfast, I put a blanket over my legs, and Cookie was not happy and kept trying to get under it/steal it from me πŸ˜…
  • Slept awfully last night, as Cookie wanted us to know that there was a fox outside, by huffing the letterbox very loudly, and infrequently barking. This time, at least we had camera evidence it was there between the hours of 0200-0530, but very much wish she didn't feel the need to
  • Had an excellent Iskender from Rakki Rakkas tonight πŸ˜‹

In dependency-management-data:

  • Most of my free time this week has been dedicated to the significant refactor of way that Policies work, shaving 50% off the time it takes to process them at work
    • And a lil' overwhelm while trying to get my head around where to start / how to proceed, one night
    • But (mostly) happy with the solution despite some cursed string building for SQL queries
  • I also got around to a tweak to renovate-graph to support parsing the renovate.json in the repo you're pointing to, if present
  • And then stole was heavily inspired by Socket.dev's post about npm Git-based dependencies, and added support for surfacing them


  • Apex Legends
  • Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction
  • Ratchet: Gladiator
    • After a crash of Tools of Destruction, I started looking at the next in the series to play, and then thought about how I really wanted to re-play Gladiator
    • But finding it tough to not have long jump, yet another inconsistent layout for throwing my wrench, and not having the charge boots till much later in the game


  • New Amsterdam
  • Saturday Night Live (on YouTube)
  • Archer
  • The Great British Sewing Bee

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