Week Notes 24#32

  • Finalised my site's new CSS, which I'm pretty happy with so far
  • My episode of Go Time came out
    • Was a good listen, and hope others enjoy it - so far it's had ~14k listens
    • I spent a few days refreshing my feeds, waiting for it to drop, only for it to appear during the 45 minutes I was particularly busy at work 🫣 Not such a big problem to not have pushed the blog post live a little late, but still gutted it wasn't closer
  • Made a start updating my CV - apropos of nothing - but not yet gotten around to finishing it
    • It's also worked nicely alongside looking at my current work at Elastic and where I fit while stretching for Principal
  • Although we knew they were coming, we forgot the gardeners were coming on Wednesday, so were very shocked when they turned up
  • So far a "big bang rollout" has worked with Renovate at work:
    • It's still early days, and I'm interested to see what happens in next couple of days, but pretty awesome to be shipping such a massive project for the whole of engineering, and as we've found, not just engineering, too!
    • Got some congrats for how well communicated it's been
    • Found some parts of the business who weren't in the initial comms, but who were affected
  • Had a lot of Mord Fustang playing this week, for high energy focus music, as well as Easy For Me - Jai Wolf CLub Babu Remix as a nice looping
  • Had a nice weekend at my parents for my mum's birthday, and seeing some of the fam
    • Had some good food, and nice to see everyone
    • Cookie got to go down the slide at the park with Anna
    • Didn't get around to leaving till late on Friday night, so got in at almost midnight 😬
    • Drove back (all the way! For the first time!) and actually went alright, albeit there was quite a bit of 50mph on the M1, with a little bit at 20mph 😡 I also didn't feel too tired after the drive which is good!
    • Cookie was surprisingly very chill, and we're not quite sure why πŸ˜… We don't know if maybe it was due to the calming treats she had actually taking hold, but we were all very impressed, and it was a very nice change
    • Cookie's super duper sleepy since we've got home, and had a very good dream bark earlier πŸ₯°
    • Met an (English?) bulldog earlier at the park which sounded a little possessed 😬
  • Spent some time on /r/BionicleMemes, catching up on things
  • Although we'd got a Gousto delivery today, I could not be arsed to cook when we got home, so instead had a very nom Rakki Rakkas πŸ˜‹


  • Apex Legends
    • Enjoying E-district, and the Revival mode, especially with Alter to steal ammo/items
    • Also enjoying the bot lobbies for a way to quickly play with a very vague bit of challenge
  • Ratchet: Gladiator


  • (no) New Amsterdam
  • Game Changers (on YouTube)
  • The Great British Sewing Bee
  • His Dark Materials
    • Managed to catch up to The Amber Spyglass which we've not seen before

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