Week Notes 24#41

  • For some GitHub insights for work, I had it in my head to re-investigate SteamPipe, but as I started working with it I remembered that unfortunately it doesn't quite do I what I want and how I'd want it to work, so needed to implement it using the plain GitHub APIs
  • Had a fun (sarcasm) game of Apex Legends where I ended up playing with the same person twice. The game before we absolutely smashed a game of Knockout, and won, but the second game they were so crabby with me for relinquishing jumpmaster?? And then started trying to derail the game, not picking up items they needed, and generally being a dick
  • Was targeted by a set of / sock-puppet-y annoyed person after I downvoted each of their spammy comments on a thread in github/community
  • Was cool to see a contribution to Robb Knight's slashes project
    • I didn't yet get a chance to add it to my own site, but will do this week 🀞🏼
  • I've been listening to a lot of Blow The Roof - Louis the Child, Kasbo, EVAN GIIA and Heavy Is The Crown - Linkin Park a lot - they're two very good songs that have scratched the right itch for me
  • After doing an upgrade of my laptop's Firefox - after the big zero-day CVE - I ended up having my Firefox log out of everything, which was super annoying πŸ˜… Especially just before going to OggCamp, but managed to get things logged in before I left
  • It was Cookie's 3rd birthday this week πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯° She had a lovely day at daycare, and has had a nice few days
  • A pretty busy week at work, but I ended up getting to the point that I managed to get enough headspace to be able to start going through my very-past-overdue Slack "Later" reminders, and closed off ~20/~70 πŸ‘πŸΌ
  • It's been super chilly this weekend πŸ₯Ά
  • It was a good OggCamp this weekend
    • Was a shame Anna wasn't able to join
    • But I did end up going a bit out of my comfort zone and meeting some nice new people, and glad I was able to go
    • And nice to have my writeup finished (especially so it's not hanging over me now, like some of my other writeups)
      • But my laptop battery dying - as I'd over-charged my phone in the first leg of the joruney, especially after not plugging in my phone for ~20 minutes
    • It was a bit chaotic to get the train back, for some reason - booking my train on Thursday night only showed a train at ~1230 or ~2230, both of which weren't ideal! But Anna suggested booking singles via Sheffield, and that worked perfectly, so I got back in a reasonable time!
    • Ended up burning through a lot of data due to my hotel's not-so-great WiFi
  • When I got back to Nottingham, most of the taxis at the station were all parked in the "do not stop at any point" section, which was not great 😬
  • Got a nice welcome home πŸ₯°
  • The WordPress situation is getting even more chaotic, and I'm sure this is a record-breaking "how to utterly fuck up 20 years of community building"
  • On the way to OggCamp I managed to finish off my How I manage my dotfiles post, finally finished
  • I'd disabled LinkedIn's annoying "other people commented on this post you liked" setting last week, only to find that it actually means "we won't tell you about any comment notifications, even on your own posts", so missed a few comments on my own posts this week


  • (No Only Murders in the Building)
    • As we didn't get a chance to watch it before I headed off to OggCamp
  • The US Office
  • Bridgerton

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