Week Notes 24#51

A four day week (with the last Shut it Down Day at Elastic) and hosting Christmas celebrations for Anna's family over the weekend:

  • Definitely feeling the end of the year burnout, counting down the hours for the end of the year (which isn't a place I'm particularly happy with being) and not feeling the festive cheer (more than normal, at least)
  • Discovered that my SQL Tidbits article - from a few weeks ago - had some poorly marked up HTML snippets, which meant that it didn't look very good
    • And very unfortunate given it being on Hacker News and a newsletter
    • A bit annoying that no one had told me either
  • Submitted my voicemail to State of the Log - as "Just In Time Jamie", just making it in time yet again 🫣
    • I ended up doing some digging into the data on my side - with help from sqlite-utils, datasette, and some fun queries - to work out what I'd listened to over the year, and get some stats and "top" episodes, although there were many more episodes than I could talk about!
    • Was a great episode, and it was an incredible year of episodes
    • Spent all of Friday refreshing my feed, eagerly waiting - especially with Dave and Faye arriving later that day - but naturally it dropped when I wasn't able to listen to it - I had a sneak listen to the reaction to my voicemail and then finished the rest of the episode when I had time
    • Wasn't particularly impressed with the audio quality for my voicemail so I need to look into that
  • Had a nice lunch with Mark at Bombay Delicatessen talking dependency-management-data, security, Open Source, and more
  • Was accepted to speak at State of Open Con and as a keynote speaker no less! Incredibly chuffed, honoured, and a reasonable amount nervous!
  • Discovered that my autogenerating README rebuilds have been failing for a bit (since GitLab reduced the lifetimes of tokens) and with recent changes to free CI minutes on free tier, it turns out it's also burning all my CI minutes 🫣
  • Wrote about using uBlock Origin to block annoying suggestions on reddit, but not sure it actually works now I'm using it πŸ€”
  • Went to Live at Christmas with Sara Pascoe, Tim Key, Steen Raskopoulos, Janine Harouni, Ivo Graham, and Alex Horne, which was good fun
    • Enjoyed seeing Alex Horne as himself - with some very fun comedy, singing and musical talentry
    • Nice to see Carol and Rachel there, too
    • Janine Harouni was very good, and Steen Raskopoulos had some good bits
    • Still need to look up whether Tim Key's comedy is normal for him, or something he brought out for the night
    • The Taskmaster tasks were fun too
  • After listening to The Changelog on Ghostty I thought I'd look into using it - in particular for my DMD / Standup updates, which are a separate, short-lived terminal, and can be a good way to get started
    • But given it was the week that it's meant to go v1 + Open Source, I've not had an invite, but also am still waiting for it to launch
  • Very jealous of Terence Eden has retired but happy for him and Liz
  • This weekend was Christmas with Anna's family
    • Was nice to see everyone
    • Made Cook's Christmas Dinner for 12 (for 8 adults, 2 kids) which had some particularly stressful moments, but turned out very good, and only ~15 minutes after planned sit-down time
    • Was a bit more chaotic having Jasper to stay, and needing to be a bit more careful about food on the tables/sides, but Cookie and him weren't too bad together
    • Morph was at the cattery - largely for safety, and to be able to not be overwhelmed by everyone
    • Was funny watching Cookie constantly flinching around Jasper, expecting his always wagging tail to bash her in the face 🫣😹
    • Lovely to spend more time with the kids
    • Had a nice walk at Gravelly Hollow
      • As we were leaving after a nice walk, some cyclists came up behind us, very quickly. We asked them to stop, but one of them just sped past, surprised Cookie, and then when she started barking at them, kicked out at her 😑 Not impressed (on all counts) and then when we got back to the car they were very rudely taking up the whole road to clean their bikes
  • Some heavy winds led to the plants by the front door waving up against the camera, being very annoying
  • And finally, you'll notice that I'm posting these late, as it's been a busy weekend and I didn't get a chance to do these last night

In dependency-management-data:

  • Had some contributions to renovate-to-sbom, from someone I've never worked with πŸ‘πŸΌ which have been very appreciated and useful
    • Some of these have required tweaks to not break the rest of dependency-management-data, but all very useful!
  • Moved DMD's bot account to its new Mastodon server, given botsin.space shutting down
  • Started working on setting up Zulip for DMD - gimme a shout if you're interested in joining!
  • In the process of buying a new domain πŸ‘€ more details soon πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ I'm very excited for this next step


  • Taskmaster
  • Archer

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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