Week Notes 24#53

New Year's Eve, and a quiet couple of days back at work

  • Wasn't able to get my perfect pizza early in the week so ended up making a spicy-and-sweet gochujang based sauce for a drizzle but didn't end up really working so well, as it was a bit too subtle, but was nice
  • The Lidl gu-knock offs are pretty nice - the S'mores were πŸ˜‹
  • A nice New Year's Eve
    • Thankfully it wasn't too bad with fireworks, although both babies were a little apprehensive
    • Got a takeaway from Karikana which took so long (2.5 hours, even after ordering early in the night)
      • And unfortunately Deliveroo won't do anything to help 🀷🏼
  • Appeared in the Golang Nugget newsletter (TIL)
  • Had a very fun game of Apex Legends on New Year's Eve, where the final trio didn't seem to mind playing very slowly, after discovering I was solo, and I almost beat them 😹
  • My cold has gotten worse since the weekend, and I'm just generally annoyed by it and the sensory impact it has
  • Got to Asda late on Friday as it was pretty icy, and I couldn't be arsed to de-ice the car, and worked out nicely
  • Did a little bit of an improved visualisation of my music in reviews and ended up discovering that on 2020-01-03, I had a very good day of music (it appears to have been first day back in the office and so a super quiet day
  • And then got my music data for 2024, which was interesting
  • The announcement for the start of Batch Bunch is out πŸš€ Looking forward to it
  • Had a bit of snow on Friday and this weekend too
  • Had a nice walk with Carol and Juno, especially given the vile and cold weather on the way to meet up, but fortunately wasn't too bad
  • Been having fun with our jigsaw, which has actually made some good progress this tail end of the week - we were missing one edge piece, joked about it being in the box (as we'd looked everywhere on the table) and yep, it was there 🫣
  • Very happy to see HSBC's Open Banking now does integration with the app, so it's now much less painful to make payments
  • Had lots of both the cuties together in the living room and Morph's very much been enjoying his chair, so he's safely able to enjoy time in here with us, as well as being able to join us for cuddles (including right now, while I'm desperately trying to finish these)
  • Took down the Xmas tree etc
  • Fixed Morph's cat flap πŸ‘πŸΌ
  • Wotsits' imitation of Nik Naks was surprisingly good
  • Looking forward to being a guest on Fallthrough πŸ‘€
  • Had a nice catch up with Andy
  • /r/HalfLife has been buzzing this last week for what may possibly be a thing
  • I've also soft launched deps.fyi πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ which will be a hosted platform for taking DMD and making it more Enterprise-specific, better for organisations, and I've got some awesome things planned from experience and bits I've built on top of it at different places
    • It's been ongoing in the background since before Xmas, but is very exciting I've now secured the domain and can start going onwards with it!
    • Got the domain finalised on New Year's Eve, and spent some time getting the website up-and-running, and I really love the colourscheme
    • Also my most expensive domain purchase yet ($1800ish)
    • There's been a lot of thinking towards how I want it to work, the different angles on the product, and generally being a fun experience
    • But I'm a long way off from this being something ready for folks to work on - lots of other things to do first!
    • Feels a little weird being on the Free GitLab.com setup - for now - and missing out on some features already
    • And there's a logo in the works, too


  • Taskmaster
    • We've exhausted the Netflix episodes, and now have to watch Channel 4's copy, which is much more painful given it has ads, so many ads
  • Nobody Wants This
  • A Man Called Otto
  • No Good Deed
  • Squid Game
    • (Season 2)
  • A bit of Graham Norton (for New Years' Eve)

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