Week Notes 25#03

A somewhat mixed week:

  • The expiry of the domain go.opencensus.io led to some widespread chaos across the Go community this week
  • This week, I've had Don't Panik - CloZee Remix and Polarised - Koven on remix a lot
  • I've made some very good progress with a Charm-based TUI for tailing my Matomo stats, which has been very good and has made a big difference to being able to keep on top of my recent hits, as well as seeing at-a-glance if any of my favourite sites are getting any hits
  • Feeling quite good mid-week after presenting a design doc at the Eng Leads
  • But didn't last that long, after some news on Thursday, and sad to be losing Mattias, Vero and Chloe
    • Needed to pop to Lidl, so had some good music therapy to try and clear my mind / process my thoughts
  • Thursday was a busy day with the MOT, Cook and Butternut Box deliveries, but Cookie was in daycare as Anna was in the office
    • Was a good first MOT (for me, and the car)
  • Got a massage - my first in a while - but now I'm still quite achey 🫣
  • Been a busy brain week - in particular with the design doc writing - so haven't had as much time to do podcast listening
  • Ended up declaring "tab bankruptcy" on my desktop Firefox as things have been slowing down, and although I like having them saved as my TODO list, I've decided to take the loss
  • Had good catch-ups with Isabella and Stacey
  • Had a nice catch-up with Alec to end the week
  • Had a nice weekend with Mum and Dad to stay
    • Had some nice chats, a lot of productive jigsaw puzzle time and had a nice Rakki Rakkas takeaway πŸ˜‹
  • Been making some changes to my CV this weekend - always recommend keeping it somewhat up-to-date!
    • But if anyone can help with avoiding the blank space from the new company sidebar, that'd be appreciated
  • Booked in some catch up with friends


  • Taskmaster
    • Finished Season 17, and now almost caught up before Season 19 comes out this spring
  • The Traitors (Season 1)
  • The Lovebirds
    • Got ~10 mins left to watch, and picked up from Week 24'48
  • Back In Action
  • Intelligence

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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