Week Notes 25#06

A slow start to the week, recovering from being flu-y, and a couple of podcasts:

  • Monday off sick again, and feeling a lot better
    • Did end up hacking up jvt.me.nvim (off the back of dmd.nvim) as a way to more easily autocomplete links to my posts (as I share them a lot!)
  • Went back to work on Tuesday, at not quite 100% (given there's a fair bit of pressure as we're short handed), and was an OK low-power day
  • Caught up on some admin that's been snoozing in my TODO list
  • A busy podcast week:
    • Was a guest host on Fallthrough for an episode that'll land tomorrow, that was fun and some interesting discussions
    • Joined the Cup O' Go 100th episode, which was fun, and even got to join to share some thoughts!
  • My interview with El Reg' came out and had some good bits from some of the other speakers, too
  • Got a nice message about renovate-graph and renovate-to-sbom
  • Was nice to meet the new Fred next door
  • Finding it very weird that Blink's app has now changed to be green
  • Made some sutble-ish transition changes to my CSS
  • Another (mostly) hit post in omitzero, and although it didn't do well on Hacker News, did well on reddit and on Lobsters for a bit (and Golang Weekly and Applied Go)
  • Got "fake news"'d and thought that Stranger Things and Squid Game was meant to be out this week, but didn't land
  • Nice time at my parents and Cat's baby shower


  • How It Should Have Ended (on YouTube)
  • Game Changers (on YouTube)
  • Pacific Rim
  • Life in Pieces
    • TIL that Pop Pop (James Brolin) is Josh Brolin's (aka Thanos) dad
    • A song that played for ~a verse reminded me of the tune of "Goodbye Toby" from The Office
  • Archer
  • Elysium

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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