Week Notes 25#09

  • Definitely felt a notable improvement in mood given the nicer weather
    • And I feel like my Dad, quite liking having the windows open for fresh air 🫣
  • Apex Legends' new Relic Weapons LTM has been a lot of fun, and moreso than last season's takeover
    • (thankfully moved over to an LTM, because the community have been very whiny)
  • One day, playing Apex Legends before work, then rebooting after, I got another dreaded "CPU overheating" which worried me, but it seemed to be OK after cooling a little
  • Today, been back to trying to debug an issue I've been seeing with running renovate / renovate-graph locally against GitLab, hitting a segfault in git
    • But still no dice, just know that it's due to my local machine setup, as running an archlinux / alpine container doesn't see the same issue
  • Set up Tailscale on my desktop, ahead of tomorrow's Batch Bunch, so I can access my Ollama setup
  • Done some fixing up of my self-hosted Renovate setup, but still hitting memory limits, so may move that over to Hetzner with a bit of a better memory footprint (for the same cost)
  • Seen some traffic to my site from softeng281.digitaledu.ac.nz
  • There's been someone who's either been crawling my website or been very much enjoying reading my content
  • Cookie tried to bring a stick in from the garden earlier, and it was so big it got stuck in the conservatory door (and stayed stuck)
  • Had a nice walk with Cookie at Gravelly Hollow
  • Had a nice Sunday lunch seeing Carol and Juno at Blend πŸ˜‹
  • Finalised the details for next week's OpenUK Digital Meetup
  • Looking forward to going to Developers Developers Developers in April (as an evening trip) and meeting some folks in the DevTools space
  • With some mental energy back, spent some time going through and cleaning up my TODO lists
  • Noticed it was Pancake Day on Wednesday 🫣
  • Excited for my first (next) Fallthrough episode to come out, and we've organised for a follow-up
  • Hands Held High came on shuffle this week, and oof the lyrics hit maybe moreso in today's political climate 😬
  • Got a nice massage, and got Subway on the way back πŸ˜‹
  • Had a nice catch-up with Abby
  • Found a dying bee outside (πŸ˜₯) but before we could get it to some sugar water to recover, and out of the way of Cookie and Morph, we noticed some parasites on it
  • After not sleeping well most of the week, had a very good night's sleep on Thursday which was restorative
  • Not enjoying being back to 12 hour on-call shifts, after our follow-the-sun model for on-call has been made a little more onerous, by folks in EngProd in Australia no longer having a job
    • As it runs 0600-1800, it also means that my working hours are 100% filled up with in-hours support too, and given it's a lot of context switching, really takes it out of you
  • Took a long time to read, but very much recommend the excellently written The Ideal Candidate Will Be Punched In the Stomach


  • Reacher
  • Rings of Power
  • Brooklyn 99
  • Yes Man

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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