Week Notes 25#10

  • My Fallthrough API episode came out, and we've got some follow-ups planned πŸ‘€
  • A tough final week of work before next week's holidays
    • Ahead of being on holiday, there were quite a few things I needed to look into, close off and otherwise hand over
    • But also being on call (with the 12 hour shifts) and a busy week of stuff going on meant I didn't really have any spare headspace until (some of) Friday 🫣
    • But was nice to have time to be able to catch-up with Gareth
  • At Batch Bunch, started a significant rewrite of the renovate-graph docs which are now complete, alongside some other tweaks to it
  • Very much been enjoying the Three Strikes - Mystery Legends mode in Apex Legends
  • After being very happy to switch off from work, on Saturday morning I woke up to see the supply chain security attack on tj-actions/changed-files, so added support into DMD, details of how to resolve it, as well as feeding into internal investigations at work
  • Discovered that Chapati Junction are now available to order again, after many months of not having it, on Deliveroo (not Uber Eats as they used to be) - wasn't as good as we remembered, especially after lots of Rakki Rakkas, but still nice to have it is an option
  • The OpenUK Digital Meetup was very good, and appreciative of Kat and Derick coming to chat
  • Doing some investigations on trying to create a complex, but manageable, regex for Renovate to manage apk add package=1.2.3 - I've got a limited regex working at work, but want something better, and am enlisting support from Ollama
  • Dropped Morph at the cattery - very almost missing the time slot and got some supplies from M&S on the way back
    • Morph didn't enjoy being put in his crate for the cattery - after a vets visit on Friday
  • Met up with Carol and friends on Thursday evening which was nice, and enjoyed Working Man's Kitchen πŸ•πŸ˜‹
  • Drove to Builth Wells (Wales) for our holiday
    • Before the journey, checked the type pressure, but towards the end of the drive, the car beeped a big warning to say the tyre pressure was off - there wasn't any issue, it was "just" that I'd forgotten to tell the car I'd checked the new pressures - something I remember from ~20 minutes before my driving test
    • Almost ran over a lil' baby bunny on the road, but it was quiet + safe to slow down
  • Ended up forgetting my Kindle (on charge) 🫣

(belatedly posted as I enjoyed a week away switched off)


  • The Mars Challenge


  • Reacher
  • Rings of Power
  • Brooklyn 99
  • Archer

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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